Name your sources of world information, or if you’ve moved on from that, what actual video or article awakened you to a different view? I can tell you mine was Aaron Russo, being interviewed by Alex Jones, whom I had never heard of in 2008. Aaron was Bette Midler’s manager and a brilliant and honest guy who wanted the best for our country. He died of cancer, but left us some eye-opening information that literally changed my perception of life in America and even planet earth. The full interview is on YouTube still, if you’re interested.
Anyway, it doesn’t matter whether you’re a crazy like me, or get your news from cable or mainstream. Answer here and you’ll qualify for a spin to win this generically signed 36X24 poster from 1992 and an autographed EP of “In Plain Sight”, which ultimately led to the album Coup De Main. (coming in vinyl this year)
In the coming weeks I’ll describe what some of those songs are about, which is on topic with this thread.
Lastly, no judgment on anything you say, no rights or wrongs… just interested to hear how and where people are.
Cheers, Jude
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I get my news everywhere since I work at a radio network. CNN, Fox, local tv (which sucks). Different sources lean certain ways and it’s obvious. So I think it’s important to listen to all sources and understand that the real story may be somewhere in the middle. Michael Smerconish is a fun source as well.
I routinely get news from a variety of online sources, including Fox News, CNN, The National Pulse, The Gateway Pundit, the three “legacy” TV network websites, Breitbart, The Daily Caller, and Politico. I do not watch television news however for this reason; you are forced to hear whatever they broadcast. On websites I can see how the stories are influenced, and what they report on (and choose not to report on) is very telling. I will often search on an outlets website, for a story that I deem to be newsworthy, to see if that particular site is reporting on it.
Late to respond but I will join in the conversation anyway.
I would tend to believe that you and I and most (most) everyone else are not crazy – the world is. It’s hard to know who to trust anymore. The Associated Press continues to be my main form of reference. That stems from my wife being of the old newspaper days. Journalism and Copy Editing were her world – along with many of our friends. It was a vibrant world of chasing the story and reporting it correctly and fairly. What happened? They started chasing the job. They chased it until the last nail was driven into “papers”, because nowadays anyone and everyone can be the roving reporter. It’s hard to know who to trust.
Love your blog!!
First, I gotta tell you; Start the car is one of my favorite albums! I can’t wait to hear you talk about that album!
As for my news and information sources; I rely on multiple sources. It’s obvious the mainstream media sources have a biased slant into how they want a story to be portrayed. The compass is either pointing left with CNN and the others or right with Fox News. I am a middle of the road kind of guy, who falls in, maybe just a hair right of center, I have not found any independent sources yet that fit somewhere between these two others.
That being said, I go to YouTube news where I can find all the latest up-to-date news from all media outlets, including some good independent’s; of which do not have a so-called “horse in this race.”
I will take all three information sources and make my own judgment.
I have to ask you; what is your favorite kind of pie from Frank’s pizza in East Moline? I stop there occasionally on my travels!
Thanks for taking the time to read my post!
Ted Kendzora.
Ted I’ve always been a fan of green pepper first, then cheese, then sausage… but you know, it’s like Beatles music, every day can be different!
I try to stay away from mainstream media. Occasionally I’ll find something online that catches my eye and check it out.But
I tend to stick to listening to music, and anything that makes me laugh.
I watch TYT and The Daily Show with Jon Stewart.
I have one foot in the old world, 1 in the new.
We still get a hard copy newspaper, whittled down to Sunday only. Atlanta Journal and Constitution. I still think AJC is one of the better papers. 15 years ago they were hemorrhaging readers and moved towards the center, which i appreciated. But they have fallen back to a straight lefty. We watch some evening news, 60 minutes, no Fox or CNN. Not many magazines. Do listen to PBS radio.
I generally find old world media overwhelmingly biased left. There was a moment of hope after 2016 when major players were forced to admit they weren’t looking at the full picture, and were biased. But Trump was such a douche, they dug back in and doubled down. It’s a shame, given this is an industry that exists ostensibly in the search of objective truth, but just can’t seem to apply that lens to themselves.
NEW (post 1990)
I’ll read stuff on both sides on social media. Loonies are everywhere. Some blogs, podcasts. I may start my own journal when I retire.
I like to watch NBC Nightly News for world news. The news on all channels is full.of lies and fake news. What a job to be paid to lie. 🙁
imagine living that life? ugh.
Too many sources. Some I’ll name, the rest I won’t. George Noory, Art Bell (Coast to Coast), studying Kabbalah in LA, various vids throughout the years, my own intuition, individuals close to the RFK event, and don’t get me started on nine one one. Having worked for one of the airlines during that event, all was definitely not as it seemed. The older I get the less I want to know.
Art Bell wow! That’s a name I never expected to see. 9/11 was a huge wakeup for so many.
Local news for sports/weather/fluff.
Fox News to get a flavor of what’s being reported nationally
Mostly X and podcasts to dig deeper and try to figure out what’s really going on.
I get that. Personally Fox lost me after the early AZ surrender and I’ve not gone back to cable period.
I watch my local network news for local news. For national and international news I use Flipboard which uses stories from many different publications and I scan the headlines in the NYT. Got to have that because I do the mini crossword and Wordle every day. Keeps my mind sharp (I hope!)
I gotta play wordle again. Swear I had a system where I was about 98% but don’t remember the key words now
ABC Evening News
I listen to Hugh Hewitt in the morning some. Dan Bongino at lunch, sometimes Buck Sexton and Clay Travis. Then Sean Hannity in afternoon. I usually get less than an hour of each, as I only listen in the car on way to work and during lunch. If something happens and I feel the need, I will turn on Fox and then hit News Nation, CNN and MSNBC to get their spin. You could say I’m conservative. And as always I only believe half of what I see and nothing that I hear.
I guess Marvin knew all along 🙂
So much spin coming from all directions, it is very hard to know what to believe these days. I tend to be influenced by thinkers like you Jude!
Quick, where’s my ‘Don’t Follow Me I’m Lost’ bumper sticker! Ha. ❤️
This will sound silly, but hey, I was 18. I wanted to be in the entertainment business so I thought you had to be a democrat. I was registered that way up until a number of years ago, even though I started leaning conservative when I first started my family. I will admit I try to stay away from mainstream news on both sides because there always an obvious slant. That being said, I lean right because 90 % of the “conspiracy theories” that have been put forth via right leaning sites have been true. What made me leave the Democratic Party officially? When there was a Supreme Court nominee accused of rape and I saw a political cartoon from the left involving his daughter, I knew I couldn’t be a part of it.
I have a similar path, although you might say the right has abandoned it’s own party by just doing nothing. But kids, family and personal while giving so much to the IRS can certainly change your viewpoint.
Long talks with my grandfather. He’s long since passed but his viewpoints from a different era impacted me. I was in the industry doing those jobs, thought it was reasonable and fair until Ted Turner created the 24/7/365 nonstop news cycle and it all slowly went from facts to opinions to fill time. Rush once explained how conservatism is the most loving, caring way to believe and not tread on others while keeping your core beliefs. Having an encounter with God and giving my life to Him. Studying WW2 and the Freedom that was fought for.. and the enormity of just exactly what real true freedom is and if you/me could handle it. Nowadays, its AM right wing radio, Dr Jordan Peterson.. incredible, smartest man in the world, explains who we are and why. Rogan and his long form podcasts. All the cable outlets, Fox, CNN to see their opposite view… and now they even hammer Kamala, but nothings done about it. Sky News Australia on YouTube because they can’t believe the comedy of it all and to see how outsiders view us. I also have a brother in-law retired AF LT COL, and he’s still in the DC community, defense contractor, travels the world, has been on AF1 more than the President, and the insider stories that he can tell me about his personal experiences with all the top leaders,and their private character… holds alot of weight for me. The path and nature of America changed when JFK was shot… and now all we have is REPUBLIC we need to hang onto.
JFK and then the internet providing irrefutable info on the crime united so many to wake up to the kind of sinister monster we’re dealing with within.
I use Flipboard as a feed from various news sources around the world on a variety of subjects from like world news, national news, local news, backpacking, music. writing, literature, religion, Christianity, food, cooking, travel, science, the universe and whatever interests me in the moment
I’ve never heard of that one. Will have to look it up.
My view (from my parents and church) has pretty much stayed the same for all of my life. I believe that we all are God’s children, and that we should love and care for others. I believe strongly in honesty–to yourself, and to others. I have always hated politics, as I don’t think that any politicians are really honest; I basically feel that they are saying/doing whatever they feel is most likely to get them elected. (And what they say, individually–as a candidate–may change as they sell themselves out in order to be hired by one who eventually wins the honor of being selected as a party’s candidate for a high office.) I expect those who are elected to “do what you said you would do” and to make decisions that will benefit everyone in our country, and help our country and its residents to prosper.
With that being said, I basically watch local news and listen to newscasts on NPR. Beyond that, I try to follow up (usually online) to widen my view or to ascertain the validity of something that I had heard/read elsewhere. I don’t care what party, religion, etc., people belong to–what matters to me is that they are kind, honest, and willing to help others. 😁
Good simple approach there Lynn!
I get my information from a few sources. I listen to a couple of podcasts and I also follow a few informative YouTube channels. The only media I watch would be Gutfeld on Fox and maybe if something out of the ordinary happens I’ll find out what’s up
I always liked Gutfeld. I abandoned Fox like I said in an earlier reply, but he could be funny for sure.
Daily Wire has become my primary source, but I follow other conservative leaning online channels as well. No more MSM for me. The Tucker Carlson interview of John Rich “Revelation” is pretty fantastic and definitely had me thinking even more about how current events interplay with spiritual warfare and end times eschatology.
Tucker’s liberation was being let go at MSM cable. He’s absolutely smoking his former ratings.
I listened to Rush Limbaugh from 1991 til his death. I listen to Glenn Beck, Brian Kilmeade, I read news on Breitbart, Newsmax, Bill Whittle. I watch the sunday ‘opinion’ shows …. it is required to hear with my own ears and eyes what the left is saying. their Hatred and bias proudly and belligerently displayed. the right leaning sunday shows are not much better. I at least try to ‘research’ and find news from more than one source. I support Trump and have lost many friends as a result. but have made many new ones. Tucker Carlson is great. Andrew McCarthy, Jason Chaffetz… just to name a few
Rush never triggered me like so many CA liberals. I liked him. He was a little too connected to the Neo-cons but as a radio personality he’s a legend.
I checked out on all the news networks years ago.
I became disgusted with cable news a few years ago. I tried to figure out who wasn’t leaning too far left or right, but who can you trust to tell you who is actually giving you the least biased news? I use BBC and Reuters alot now. The only news I watch on TV is local. Being an older fella I have never really gotten into podcasts.
Yeah, i’m pretty sure all local news is fed by Reuters and AP
My parents, having been evacuated as children during the London bombings and then as young adults in the defence sector taught us from our childhood to question everything. When I was being shut down each time I asked questions ( by friends, family, g’memt and media), well let’s say I’m not a rocket scientist but I ain’t dumb.
For me listening to Neil Oliver ( UK) Russell Brand (UK, sometimes) & Graham Hood & John Larter ( Aus) really just helped me get out of the quicksand knowing I wasn’t completely alone in my thoughts.
From the US Ive listened toTucker Carlson & Joe Rogan but they’ve also been in interview with Russell Brand
That’s interesting that you can love Neil Oliver and Tucker Carlson both. Most love one and hate the other.
Jude, I gave up. Everything is “opinion” driving. Not the news like in our day. Same news, all different spins on it. So to your question: ESPN, ESPN2, NBA TV, and The Golf Channel. “Right There Now” is more honest about topics then anything out there.
You are not alone Steve a good part of the world is with you there!
As for where I get my info these days’s alot of sources..for news In listen to AM radio news at the top and bottom of the hour .. they have no time to inject opinion or bias…I general it’s just hey this is what happens. I also occasionally look at google news feed, then research the headlines to see what’s real. For instance if the headline says Mike Pence proposed legalizing the molestation of collies ..I won’t take their word for it. I will go and pull the actual text of the bill and see what it says for myself. So on and so forth 🤠
Yeah the bias has become blatant and also really subtle. I’ve become irritated by the way a question is asked. More of a statement or infers some negativity if they dislike who they interview. Holier than thou when they favor one. It’s brutal.
I miss the days of watching actual news reporting when I was growing up. David Brinkley, Walter Concrite, Tom Brokaw…just to make a few. These days I watch mainly lcal stations and get the quickie fix online. However, I find that it sadly is not anything like the O.G. news from the 70s and 80s when reporting the news was really reporting the news. We also had some great anchormen and women here in the Orlando FL area that I grew up watching. Many have passed , but a few that were younger back in the day still are on air.. .
True, and still back before the internet no one really questioned news, so you were either ‘informed’ or not. Walter Cronkite spread the message from the military war complex that US boats had been torpedoed in the Gulf of Tonkin, complete with photos etc. Now we find out it was all fiction. If/when a person can really digest this for a second, you realize anything is possible.
Great topic Jude ❤️. For me it was long ago and far away…early 90s .. I was VERY liberal as I started college at University of WI at Milwaukee.. everything I saw or heard on campus fed into that. They really do take young impressionable minds and mold them into a certain world views. Anyways, there was this old lady I her late 80s who used to call the cops on us when we would play baseball in the street …she used to get into huge debates with me about politics. Told me I was a radical…which of course I likely was. There was a certain radio personality by the name of Rush whom I had come to despise even though I had never seen or heard him. One night I was listening to AM radio as I would do when trying to fall asleep and what do ya know Rush’s show was being played … I thought I would listen in and see how off the wall he really was for myself. Turns out he made more sense than anyone I’ve ever heard in my life to that point. Completely for me thinking and analyzing what I thought ai knew to be true. That was the moment for me. Thankfully before the old lady down the street died I had a chance to go visit her and thank her for trying to set me straight and let her know how right she was. Life altering moment. ❤️. Thanks Jude 👍
I have a similar story… must’ve been 1992 because I remember the room where I first heard Rush. It left a big impression because I was so repelled by the Clintons.
I try to remain open-minded, so I listen to NPR a lot (there’s a lot of negativity in the world and i like to hear positivity now and then) and get my news from multiple sources. I try to think analytically and scientifically as much as possible and ask a lot of questions. The only things I can confidently speak on with conviction, besides my own beliefs, are DJing, storm chasing, and the weather.
It’s wise to know when to listen and when to speak. Very few have it!
The people most like my Dad. Love your music.
Very wise daughter!
I can’’t point to a single interview, maybe it was a Dostoyevsky or Tolstoy novel that exposed my judging others who sin differently than I do.
And it was when I watched Tucker Carlson from the start and his relentless challenge of both parties, the group think of defending wars and the infallibility of government. (I wish he’d stay out of endorsing politicians – he’s lost some of his luster with me.)
Interesting and made me just remember that Ayn Rand’s “The Fountainhead” followed immediately by “Atlas Shrugged” did a 180º on me. I remember being on tour for IDKWIATW, visiting Chicago and I couldn’t put the book down. I’ve never been the same since 👹
I normally go straight to CNN to see what the narrative of the day is….I then go to FOX News to see what the right’s version of it is…then I head straight to the conservative pundits who are dissecting it all. While some might say that this is still biased to the right, history has taught me that this is the most accurate way of getting my news and what’s trustworthy.
Balance is so important. May I also suggest Rumble and Bitchute to see what the indies are saying about them both? It takes some discernment to get thru a lot of not so good stuff, but you start to get good at it.
I love and listen to Dan Bongino, Daily Wire, and Tucker Carlson. I also have discernment like crazy and can tell who is out to help us and who’s out to destroy us as a country. Call it what you may – Biblical discernment is I believe where it’s coming from. I know scripture and feel The Lord guides those that love him.
I get my news from mostly conservative Poscasts and can’t deal with liberal way of thinking. I try not to take it out on them personally but I take it personally bc it’s my country and I want to save it for my boys and their children. So yea, it’s personal. I find it hard to understand their evil way of thinking, their hate and constant stirring of the pot. I was the bad guy when everyone was supposed to take the vax so none of my family took it bc it was being pushed on everyone so blatantly.
Bongino must have some pretty good insight from his work in SS. The hardest part about an indie journalist or YouTuber is just providing content and being entertaining. You get lost in your own stats and forget you had a mission in the first place. I saw that in Megyn Kelly. She came on Fox with a vengeance, then turned into something else, was abandoned by her faithful followers and is now with Sirius working, quite successfully at getting them back.
1440 Geopolitics Insider X and oddly Al Jazeera
Where is Al Jazeera even shown now? I thought they went kaput here in the US.
I have a friend of mine, who is a professor at George Mason, that appears fairly regularly on Al Jazeera as a commentator.
As for me I listen to a wide array of media , I will listen to News Nation, Fox , and CNN and when you do you can see that yes media has an agenda and it’s really fair and impartial , I try to dig through all the minutia and do my homework to the best of my ability to dig.out the facts , through all the lies , deception, which is no easy task.
Well will definitely be looking forward to the vinyl release of Coup Jude that’s great news …now the election next week cant wait till this is done and over
News Nation really tries, you have to give them that. But every network news and corporate media show is endorsed by sponsors, and we all know what happens to shows who reveal truths about their sponsors!
I will give News Naion that …they really try,
I watch local news and read stuff online and try and decipher the truth from the lies. Personally both sides are full of lies and I’m suprised sometimes by how easily people believe them. The thing that has been bothering me the most lately is vaccines . When we were young we all got polio, measles , mumps etc vaccinations and those protected us lifelong and now it seems like it is a huge racket to keep people coming back year after year for boosters. What I see is big pharma just keeping these diseases going instead of eradicating them.
People believe mostly what they’re already leaning to, don’t you think? Also re 60’s and 70’s vaccines… i’m questioning the whole lot now. We don’t have the gender, anxiety or autism issues the 90’s and beyond vaccines provide, but our generation has brain fog, addiction and I think in large part a struggle to grow up and out of some of our younger phases.
I like to listen to Dan Bongino. Candace Owens some. Otherwise, I just try to listen to whatever is being said and if it aligns with my Christian beliefs. Some people probably think that’s silly, and that’s ok, but I can walk away knowing it pleases God. Ultimately, that is all that matters to me.
Candace has been on a rampage to get to the bottom of Kamala’s real story and heritage. It’s pretty funny when she shows clips of all the different accents. I watched one this morning on FB that was just so embarrassing.
I highly recommend checking out Dave Smith. A liberaterian whose podcast is called “Part of the Problem.”
Completely turned my head around the last four years – I spent too much time defendiing Wars we shouldn’t have been in and Government programs that stripped us of liberty (Patriot Act)
Check out his recent debate with Chris Cuomo in which he dismantles him and the corporate press for their malfeasance during Covid.
New on me, I will check it thanks!
Over here it was Nigel farage outing David Cameron in live Tv debate, explaining to the people in simple terms how he was lieing to us , poor Dave just stood there like a plumb ashamed and speechless. What a moment !! Spin the wheel …….
Nigel came on with a vengeance and won all the battles, then lost the war. This seems to be the pattern in modern times. They let us play a game, believe we can see the outcome, then when the scoreboard arrives it’s ‘Owners 10, People 0’
I would have to say that what really got me thinking and opened my eyes the widest was when Tucker Carlson was fired from Fox News.. He started to speak out on X (Twitter) and raised some really thought-provoking questions. Since then, I’ve stopped watching all mainstream media including Fox News. I do listen to several podcasts and radio shows such as Bill O’Reilly, Mark Levin, Megyn Kelly, Joe Rogan, and Dan Bongino. Watching Tucker Carlson led me to sign up for X. I have a healthy scepticism about all that I listen to and read especially on X which is thankfully less censored now. Thanks for sharing your thoughts Jude. I enjoy hearing what you have to say.
It’s interesting, the graphics and razzle-dazzle that come with MSM news is Skittles over home-made pie to me now.
My comment that media is really fair and impartial was said in jest
I try not to get too much info directly from cable news. While I’ll lean Fox as a last resort, they just happen to annoy me less than CNN and MSNBC’s constant doom and gloom.
I may scan Drudge Repeort if I see a headline ‘alert.
But most of the time I get info from Stephen Crowder (and I am a member of his Mug Club). Even though I don’t 100% agree with him. At least he cites his information, unlike just about every other outlet i encounter. (I tend to be a little right of center, a mild libertarian, but mostly constitutionalist.)
I will have his show on in the background on election night, which typically has a bigger draw than any cable news outlet.
Drudge is in complete contrast to who he was in the early aughts I almost think he’s dead now. You don’t go from supporting Trump, Farage and all the indies to the progressive site it is today without one of two things happening… either they killed him and took it over, or paid him a billion dollars and took it over. It’s sad too because it was the one media source that, while biased slightly to the right, only used hyperlinks… so it wasn’t like hiring a Sean or a Mika. You could still use your own cross-referencing.
Yes it’s not what it used to be… and since it was sold in 2019, it’s only a source for me to find a breaking story, even if it’s showing left bias. Itis just an all on one springboard to see what the hot topics are. I dig deeper from there. Also I find it interesting to see what the different search engines bring forth
From 2014 Debbie Lusignan aka Sane Progressive confirmed my suspicions about false flag events in the US. She has passed away about 2 years ago but lead me down the rabbit hole that prepares me for what was to come in 2019..
Now it’s The Last American Vagabond , Corbett Report, Truthstream media and Really Graceful.
Amazing Polly was also a favorite with her detailed charts of the “Medical Mafia”, good stuff
Mark Devlin has some really great content on the music industry that ruined it for me for some many of my favorite artists.
. I’m so glad I can still enjoy your music in good conscience. 🙏
I’ve not heard of her, but isn’t it funny how all the Paul Revere’s of today die early?
Ok, I’ll play… 🙂
My main source of world information is the newsletter, Tangle,
Daily newsletter run by Issac Saul, He leans slightly left, but the newsletter is very center oriented. Full Disclosure, I know Issac from my sports playing days. But he’s a brilliant journalist.
I watch network TV news, and read a few sites daily. Try to get a mix of the news. Who knows anymore with AI.
That would be the best news site ever. Who Knows News!
Too many sources. Some I’ll name, the rest I won’t. George Noory, Art Bell (Coast to Coast), studying Kabbalah in LA, various vids throughout the years, my own intuition, individuals close to the RFK event, and don’t get me started on nine one one. Having worked for one of the airlines during that event, all was definitely not as it seemed. The older I get the less I want to know.
Another Art Bell wow. I’d have never guessed it!