Dark Night to Rebirth

In December of ’24 I decided to take my own advice and just remain mostly quiet, listen to others, watch behaviors and try not to judge… and of course enjoy the beauty of each day.  Lots of hour-long walks, dog on leash, railroad tracks and squashed coins for an innocent and free 15 minutes of the day. It’s been a gift to get to know myself these last few years.

Of course I’ve been writing music and recording new records as well.  I’ll be releasing some things very soon.

Many changes in friendships, family, and acquaintances too.  It’s not something I chose, really.  More a choice that was impossible not to make given the circumstances.  To walk away is a healthy step when you respect yourself more than some around you, regardless of how many years, blood ties etc.  To be pulled into a game of accepting bad behavior, codependency, manipulation and being used… if our fears prevent us from walking from this, then we’re willing to accept their definition of us over our own.

That coupled with all the research done about how the world really works has led to, first, a lot more questions… but also a kind of dark night of the soul, meaning a complete displacement of the planet earth, the people in it, and possibly even the God we pray to.

On the other side however, is a room you can’t see from the matrix.  A kind of rebirth.  A new awakening.

Don’t get me wrong, this isn’t a boastful statement about how I’ve arrived!  I doubt we ever actually do achieve this, but the reward in seeing the other side of ‘dark night’ is a new lack of need for much.  The lack of fucks to give, acceptance, the need to win, the embarrassment of defeat, to shine, to be praised, to be right or wrong. It’s fleeting and ego driven.  It’s actually quite meaningless unless it brings joy.  Of course there are pragmatics, like food, accommodations etc.  But beyond the obvious, most of it’s for display.

I notice conversations differently.  ‘So what do you do?…  Oh really, wow … where do you live… amazing!’

Ha.  We interview people to see if they can be of any use to us.  It’s not a horrible thing, just maybe in LA it’s a bit more blatant and obvious.

Politically speaking, everyone has an opinion.  Most of these opinions are formed from a voice coming out of a screen, sharing ‘news’ with you that you generally believe.  Then you go spitting nails into your little social media platform and ‘damn right i guess all my peoples feel served now!’

No, actually you just lost 20% of your friends.

I have one thing to say about politics.  Whoever ends chemtrails gets my belief they have our best interest and health in mind.  Until then, I’m going to like some things a lot, dislike other things, and keep one eye open.

For now I just wanted to greet those of you kind enough to subscribe, and let you know in the next week or so we’re going to pick 5 winners for a signed EP of ‘In Plain Sight’, and a small satchel with 3 coins that I personally flattened on California railroad tracks.  It’s my way of sharing some of my joy, both in music and in personal times.

Very best to all,

Love, Jude


  1. dido February 5, 2025 at 6:32 pm

    Kudos to you and your insight. Pretty much align with my thoughts. I learned early on that some people come into your life and are meant to be a part of your world and others show up for brief periods of time. I have let go of many that didn’t fit with my beliefs and their drama into my world. I let those go free and have more time for those that have a value in my life. It’s also opened doors to new people and experiences creating new growth and understanding who and where I fit in this world.
    Keep doing what you do best, I know you will stay true to who you are. Keep rockin’.


  2. Jen Spencer February 3, 2025 at 4:07 am

    Looking forward to your new endeavors and music. Happy I found your site. Although it’s from long ago – Start Car, which is playing as I read your posts – is one of my all-time favorite album/disks. Each song sends me to the place – such sweet memories of so many things and experiences. That summer (so long ago) – your music was the soundtrack to my own dark night to rebirth – driving the Napa Valley back roads, windows down, music loud… singing like nothing else mattered and knowing that better existed. Thank you – for me, your music matters, your words matter – they paint pictures of hope and for taking that step into the unknown yet knowing that there is better on the other side.

  3. Angelo Valenti February 2, 2025 at 4:38 pm

    Going to add one more comment to my previous ones, yes you need to reevaluate your friends list as you get older , life is too short and it’s fleeting , I want to surround myself with positive, supportful , honest people . I have no time for people who bring me down and are why me excuse makers, and suck the life out of you instead of enrich your life.
    I tell my boys there is a difference between friends and acquaintances, don’t confuse the two,
    If someone does you wrong, DONT get even just walk away from that toxic relationship, getting even just makes you worst then the person who did you wrong , too much time and energy wasted, and time is something none of has to waste .
    Again so blessed to have my family and a group of friends who are my second family.
    Life is good people , we make of it what we put into it , I put all my heart , soul, and being into it . Why make God’s beautiful green earth a hell for yourself with unhealthy relationships, make it your heaven with family, friends , relationships that deserve you on.them.
    Wishing everyone and you Jude a heaven on earth, love to you all

  4. agent1370 January 30, 2025 at 6:02 pm

    Greetings Jude,
    As a transplant to southern New Mexico from southern Illinois, I appreciate your midwestern logical view of life. The beauty of the NM desert, mountains, and nature provides my spirit with peace with every walk I take. I’m hoping you and yours have been able to deal with the horrific fires in L.A.
    All the best for a safe and sane 2025!

  5. RichardA January 29, 2025 at 4:04 pm

    Jude it’s always quite illuminating looking at life through your “virtual lens” and the one thought that keeps rolling around in my head is that we never stop learning. Personally the more I learn I realize how much I don’t know. I appreciate you sharing with us.

  6. mevangelisto January 29, 2025 at 3:41 pm

    Jude, I always love reading about your journey through life and sharing your insights with us whether it be through written posts like this or through your wonderful music. It’s somewhat cathartic for both sides, but especially for you.

    The image of the flattened coins made me think of Braking Wheels from Falling Home. “It’s the sound of steel on steel. Hear it crying like a freight train’s braking wheels”. The song is also very appropriate to the theme of this post.

    I appreciate you, my friend.

  7. George Corish January 29, 2025 at 3:38 am

    You are an astute observer. You should have been a shaker and a mover. Art is more satisfying. Stay you.

  8. Rockfan January 29, 2025 at 2:16 am

    Wondered where you had been. Hope things work out for the best. Glad to hear new music is on the way. Please kick it off with a live stream for your fans.

    Best to all

    • Julie January 29, 2025 at 4:33 am

      The world just keeps getting crazier, so I try to get closer to God’s word. It’s the only way I can make sense of any of it.

      Curious about how you flattened these coins!

  9. Ed Epperson January 29, 2025 at 1:35 am

    Great post.

  10. djay January 29, 2025 at 1:16 am

    After living in Orange County for 8 years, I always felt that if someone was friendly, they were looking for something to use you for. The only real friends I made in California were transplants from the Midwest.

  11. Randyjess January 29, 2025 at 12:29 am

    Very thoughtful post. Truly life is a journey so we move forward to a better place and understanding if we are lucky.

  12. Glenn Harris January 28, 2025 at 10:55 pm

    Do those flattened coins come with a COA? lol
    Good word, Jude. Thank you!

  13. jmhouse24 January 28, 2025 at 9:50 pm

    Love reading your posts, love the rational insight. Love that you are bringing us along through some of your life’s journey. Been a fan of you and your music from the early days of your career and cannot wait to hear new music.

  14. KathrynB January 28, 2025 at 9:42 pm

    Oh hello you !!
    It’s comforting & good to read you Jude.
    Sometimes, with the timing of what we walk through, I could swear our souls split in a life before.

    Two years ago ..well let’s just say I really was going to jump off that bridge ( drive for me ). My Dark Night of the Soul.

    Isn’t it good to really get to know yourself instead of the manufactured version and come to the realisation that it’s really easy to be content.

    A burst water pipe twodays before Christmas gone ,ensued wet soggy years of paperwork all needed to be destroyed except for one bundle – a business plan, insurance docs, contracts to start a Music Publishing business with a former partner 12 years ago. All in dry perfect condition. Yeah. I’m not going to question that, just do it

    Souled Out Music Australia ,
    Artist Management & Music Publishing will be launched here on the 18th Feb.

    The local musicians and songwriters, ageing from 15 to 80 are behind it, both christian and secular and I really don’t care if I make nothing from it…I’m going to live and learn so much ! I’ve all I need & more.

    If I had to choose..it would be the coins for me.

    Again, good to read you. The carpet’s worn from pacing to know if you’re ok. I look forward to more posts.

  15. mwray January 28, 2025 at 9:35 pm

    Great read Jude. I wanted to thank you for taking the time to post a happy birthday to myself recently. Very kind of you.
    Looking forward to more inspiration. Chao

  16. DrSeve January 28, 2025 at 9:01 pm

    Jude, remember “Campbell’s Island.” I grew up near there. I remember hearing from the older kids, “If you put a penny on the railroad tracks, it’ll derail the train.” The 1st time I did it I was scared and felt terrible at the same time. When I saw your flat coins, it took me back 50 some years. That’s why when you mentioned “Watertown & The Rock Island Lines.” I think of that day on Campbell’s Island. You are a great lyricist my friend. You can capture at moment in time that people all over the world can grab a piece of. You’re a memory reminder put to music. I wanna know what gage strings you’re using and my Cathy wants to know what makes Jude, Jude. Never change my friend. Bigg Luv always. 😎🎸👍

  17. todd7907@gmail.com January 28, 2025 at 6:50 pm

    A nice, pleasant, introspective read. Thanks JC! I have perceived that your life might be going through some changes. I don’t know if you are a believer or not, so I hope you’re not offended when I say I have prayed for you several times recently. I hope you are happy and well.

  18. El January 28, 2025 at 6:12 am

    Thank you for this and being you. I met you one late night in the western burbs of Chicago as a new mother doing dishes to the radio. I was looking out the window at the train running through DuPage county heading west. The train whistles in the distant are still the best sleeping music next to yours. Bless you on this next journey. I’m grateful to be along for the ride.

  19. Lynn Ellison January 28, 2025 at 5:23 am

    Hi, Jude! It was an answer to prayer to see a comment on my phone tonight that you had posted a new message. I have thought about you at some point each day over the past couple of weeks, and I have wondered if you and your family are okay. I absolutely cannot fathom the damage that those fires have caused; and my heart breaks for the families and communities that have been involved. (I would think, also, that it must be almost as mentally and emotionally detrimental to those who are close to the fire areas who have to “wait on pins and needles” to see if they will eventually be affected.)

    I really do appreciate your taking the time to record your thoughts here. So many times when I read your posts, I see similarities between your thoughts/concerns and my own. Reading your explanations and take-aways often gives me a degree of insight as to what is really important and steps that I can try in order to obtain more contentedness and real pleasure in my own life.

    I look forward to the new releases that you will share soon–in addition to the wonderful posts that you will share with us in the future. Thanks for everything you do; and I hope that you will continue to be saved from all of the fire-related tragedy!

    ❤️ Lynn

  20. KCAYA January 28, 2025 at 1:15 am

    It seems like a very powerful time of reflection and rebirth right now. I just recently went through my Facebook account and got rid of most of the people on there. I am down to 230.. I was tired of logging in and seeing such nasty comments and people being horrible to each other That’s not why I joined. So now my connections will be with my true friends, some kindred spirits from around the world and my family in Norway. I am grateful to be connected to you as your music has always been the soundtrack to my life. Take a deep breath…

  21. CSlump January 28, 2025 at 12:48 am

    I guess my journey is more evolution than rebirth. Maybe one is baby steps to the other….

  22. Ed Pierson January 28, 2025 at 12:11 am

    Man the flattened coins really hit home. We did that a lot. Sadly this old steel town doesn’t see many trains anymore. Take care sir.

  23. Ricochet5167 January 28, 2025 at 12:08 am

    The walks sound so healthy and wonderful. Wish it was warm enough here in Chicago to walk outside without freezin your @@@ off. Feels like a balloon has been burst since the election, well at least a little bit. lets hope it lasts. At least there’s a finger in the dike for a minute, preventing the outright over running of America for a minute. That scenario you laid of of total illegal inundation and chaos rules takeover was quite scary… needs to be a movie script, but lets hope the real thing never comes to pass. Peace and Joy blessings back to you. And yes, I could use a guitar pick! Even a flattened penny, but I’d fear it’d tear my strings off. Legend is that Billy Gibbons uses a nickel and Brian May a dime. I understand Angelo forwarded my cover of STC. Hope you enjoyed it and the spirit in which it was recorded…. and hope you didn’t mind my nephews reaching out to ask you to play on it. Completely without my knowledge BTW. LOL! We (my entire band, “The Sumthins”) are big fans and should prob send you a $20 at least, or more because every time we hit the stage, we spread some Jude around. Working on new music here too.. Always looking forward to your music with great anticipation. Glad you’re well and in a good place.. safe from the fires. All the best, and Keep rockin! Rick.

  24. pryorka1 January 28, 2025 at 12:04 am

    I hear you Jude. Politics have about done me in lately and I have stepped away as much as I can. Working on music and trying to find joy in little things. Can’t wait to hear new music from you!

  25. Georainman January 27, 2025 at 11:59 pm

    I think we realize more with age where exactly we fit in with people(Friends).Then we decide if that is working in favor for us both, or just a one sided relationship.
    If it’s due to political affiliation, well then you were not allowed to think your own thoughts in that relationship! Which is not a good friendship. We should be able to agree to disagree and move on, but this year it really seemed different !
    Hopefully it will be a few years of exposure of just how bad our government has been run (maybe some insider trading) and hiding major issues from the American people.
    Wishing you the best out there in LA Jude !

  26. Mick Maag January 27, 2025 at 11:21 pm

    I am sure I’ve deleted over 20% to include family members.. We’re not going to TAKE IT.. LOL It is time to drop the fools and align with the Triumphant ..Look at his determination with assisting the Hurricane and Fire victims.. And allowing all the Military Members Justice for NOT TAKING THE JAB.. Rock on ..
    Mick Maag

  27. Twila January 27, 2025 at 11:11 pm

    I love your insight no matter what the topic is. Distancing oneself from negativity allows the positivity to flow inward. Which allows one to project positivity outward! Lesson learned then move on. Thank you for the reminder! Much love and happiness to you!

  28. djstorm January 27, 2025 at 10:10 pm

    I love your introspectiveness here and it provides food for thought for me.

    There’s healthiness and healing that goes on from distancing one’s self from those that may not be acting in your best interests or care to lift us up. If there’s anything I’ve learned over the last decade is to take care of myself first and foremost because no one else will do it for me. I’ve also learned that belief can take many forms and that I should not look down on someone because their belief differs from my own. If they have conviction in what they believe and are not just blindly following for the sake of following, I can respect that. I think that it’s conviction of the heart (with respect to Kenny Loggins here…lol).

    I agree with you on the idea that people tend to interview others to see if there’s a use for them in their lives. I like to think there still are people in this world that ask how you’re doing or how your day has been for the sake of being genuinely interested and caring. I tend to see it more in rural or farm-based communities where even significant differences of opinion still allow for genuine care, friendliness, and respect. I think a lot of our separation stems from a lack of respect and ability to see things through other lenses. It’s something that I try to work on a daily basis, but I know that I sometimes fail at.

  29. Angelo Valenti January 27, 2025 at 9:55 pm

    Jude first off hope you and yours remain safe amidst all the California wildfires that have and had been going on , I can’t imagine all you and my family have had to go through .
    I’ve had my own kind of awakening , have had a sudden cardiac arrest 3 years ago this past March , I just feel blessed to be here , I work everyday on bettering myself as a person in every way , I pledged to be more present in everybody’s lives I love and care for deeply.
    I promised I’d work harder on being a better husband , father , and friend , we all can get caught up in work and get derailed from what’s really important in life, and I now am making sire to balance work with a good dose of family and life , everyday is a good day , some better than others but dammit if they are t all good days .
    As we get older , a little more wiser, we tend to contemplate life and our own mortality as it is fleeting by fay by day , again I’m so thankful for everyday the good lord has given me of BONUS time, seeing my boys grow into young men and both them going off to college this fall , Im a proud dad , and cant wait to see what the next chapter holds for them , and thankfully I’m here to bare witness .
    Can’t wait to here the new music ,and as if I had to say this , keep being you my friend
    Much love, happiness and Peace

  30. Angeladawson January 27, 2025 at 9:53 pm

    I’ had to let go of 2 really good friends that only took from me, my time and my energy and had absolutely no time for me when I needed them. Some so shallow are narcissistic, made me want to vomit. I know God shuts doors and reopens others. Those friends will be replaced by ones that are better for me. Ones that care.
    Glad that you and your family are safe from the fires and giving you maybe a fresh perspective of life. This is all so temporary here. Enjoy your life. Keep up the sharing bc we all care.

  31. Cozmo January 27, 2025 at 9:44 pm


    I think politics is like people talking about their religion and sexual orientation…everyone had one, and it’s fine to be proud of it…just don’t talk about it to others and shove it in their faces. Nothing will start arguments quicker, in my experience. Shame we just can’t accept that everyone thinks differently and that’s ok, whether we think it’s right or wrong.

  32. kdishon January 27, 2025 at 9:41 pm

    Great read! Words of wisdom from age and experience.

  33. JohnnyLynn1967 January 27, 2025 at 9:40 pm

    Everything you touch turns to gold, been wanting to see you live for years!!! Maybe one day! 🤞🏻

  34. Michael Barclay January 27, 2025 at 9:35 pm

    It’s funny how as we grow older, the zero fucks to give starts to really come to the surface and we start to gravitate towards what really matters. You hit the nail on the head sir, JOY is what we all need and to rid ourselves of some of the negative voices in our ears. I appreciate your perspective and I am glad to see you are safe and well. Take care! -Michael

  35. Kenny Williams January 27, 2025 at 9:31 pm

    Very best to all,

    Love, Jude

    This kinda sums up the new post.

  36. Mike Ludin January 27, 2025 at 9:17 pm

    Thank you for all the updates Jude! It’s nice to have a Midwest perspective on things that you deal with out there from day to day. I enjoy reading your post and will always be a lifelong fan. Keep up the good work and stay safe!

    • cjdaisy January 27, 2025 at 9:31 pm

      Been thinking about you lately, glad you are doing well. Walks with thoughts is so therapeutic, of course not now it’s frickin cold here but looking forward to them soon. The flattened coins sound interesting, my dad grew up by the railroad tracks, I’ll have to ask him if he ever did this! Thanks for the update. Look forward to hearing your new music! Take care!

  37. WilliamFromFB January 27, 2025 at 9:14 pm

    Glad to see you are still out there Jude. Hope as the fires subside things can return to normal for southern CA. Love the idea of giving away the coins flattened by a train. When I was a kid my friend’s dad would do that sometimes. Look forward to whatwver it is you are working on and release. Stay gold pony boy ❤️

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