Deactivating Drama



I thought it might be best for my headspace to deactivate the Facebook page for awhile.  I’d like to see the country succeed, no matter the president.  It’s not the tone of most people on my feed, however, and frankly there are days when it affects my mood… so rather than sound off on every post I think is highly irresponsible or downright Marxist, I opt to focus on more productive things and keep my fingers crossed that our president can negotiate his way through this world quagmire.

We already know he’s lifting the veil I would have assumed was impossible on so many acronymic agencies.  Personally I’d be happy if they did away with all of them and just started over.  And RFK, hinting they’ll take the fluoride out of the water, cancerous chemicals out of the food, chemtrails out of the sky… if all these actually happen I’m going to buy a g’damn MAGA hat and never take it off.

Anyway, feel free to write to me here.  I’m working on a TOP TEN POP BASSISTS OF ALL TIME coming soon, as well as more giveaways.

Stay Gnome, Stay Sane.

Peace, Jude


  1. Keith Hempen March 5, 2025 at 5:45 pm


    I can totally relate to the need of guarding our minds and our hearts from the vile crap that gets posted on FB!
    I’m going to hope and pray the day comes when I see you sporting that new hat!

    On a different note ~ I’ll bet Leland Sklar is on your Top 10 list! ~ He is on mine!

    Have a great day!

  2. samhaines61 March 5, 2025 at 7:14 am

    It’s a noisy world. I haven’t fully disconnected from the socials but I don’t engage much. I’ve become more of an eavesdropper . It’s quieter that way. I’m with you on pulling for RFK , although I’ve never been much of a hat guy. IT must be the odd shape of my head

  3. lacra1 March 4, 2025 at 11:54 pm

    This is timing. I was playing your A View From 3rd Street cd in my car today and I received an email about your post.

  4. pryorka1 March 4, 2025 at 11:24 pm

    Well I am never going to wear a MAGA hat but I get what you are saying about the FB drama. It is not healthy for sure. I’m trying to keep my focus on music and good friends. Got a lot of gigs coming up and they make me feel more normal!

  5. shawnsbrain66 March 4, 2025 at 11:21 pm

    You’re preaching to the choir with me. I just let them complain and believe everything’s gonna work out fine.

  6. March 4, 2025 at 10:26 pm

    I’m with you 100% on all this drama. People have gone nuts. I just ignore the posts and even tho I often want to comment I refrain. Don’t lose touch with us!!

  7. MrandMrsRaines02 March 4, 2025 at 10:05 pm

    I do this from time-to-time and it’s liberating. Too busy getting the house packed up and locating a new house and applying for a new job and I find myself cutting back even more. Get your head cleared out and calm your spirit down and get healthy. Do what you do best. Make tunes. Hugs from Mike and Lori

  8. cjdaisy March 4, 2025 at 10:01 pm

    I still enjoy fb for craft & cooking ideas, family and the usual “social” things. I won’t post anything political and can scroll by those that do, I may make a respectful comment or two. I have even “unfollowed” people for 30 days. I voted for Ross Perot years ago cause I felt maybe a business man running the country would be better. Wasteful government spending absolutely needs to be cleaned up, but not everything needs to be cut, especially some of the programs for American families and kids. I’ve been a big “all natural” person for quite a while, (my nephew with 8 kids) is a anti-vaxer & no OTC meds, so since I had them all the time and they were sick a lot, I found other natural alternatives. My biggest remedy for respiratory is a pan of hot water with a couple drops of tea tree oil to steam and just breath it in, the kids still ask me if they can “do a treatment” it seriously works wonders, sore throat-gargle with salt water and drink hot tea with honey & lemon. I recently went to the Natural Health Food store and bought some Manuka honey and a Power Pak + Immunity powder loaded with Vit. C, elderberry, zinc, Vit. D, etc, if I start to feel a little punk it really helps. Ever since I started using saline when I start to feel sinus, I have been infection free for years. Several years ago I started making my own dog food and it passed my vets test for vitamins/protein/carbs! Truly hoping we can get to making America great. Love & Peace!

  9. KathrynB March 4, 2025 at 9:26 pm

    So, Guy Erez, Tal Wilkenfeld, Lee Sklar and take a listen to Tony Mitchell ( Aus)..”You’ve Got The Gun ” Sherbet, 70s but still playing.

    It must be almost a year since I deactivated..I don’t miss it. I get enough grief from people who refuse to read any history or do their due diligence to research anything. They’re happy to blindly accept what they’re told by media . I’m deactivating them one by one too.
    I’ve got too much life & love running through my veins ( as RW said) to be pulled into that.

    Had to look up what stay gnome means. Ha !

    Lovely as always to read you Jude.

    Be blessed ♥️

  10. Landy Roovah March 4, 2025 at 8:55 pm

    BRAVO !

    top ten pop bassists of all time ? one of my all time favorites is Joey Spampinato of NRBQ… just ask Keith Richards.. he picked Joey for the Chuck Berry film/concert HAIL HAIL ROCK AND ROLL 1987.

    staying sane. retired at christmas. will be outside growing flowers and yelling at squirrels as soon as it is a bit warmer….

  11. Kauzlarichk March 4, 2025 at 8:53 pm

    So many are doing this and it’s mainly due to political back and forth posting. I try to scroll through all of that but wish it wasn’t some people’s only topic of conversation. What you are doing is taking care of yourself in a healthy way and I want you to know that you will be missed. At least I still can read your blog. Take care 🙂

  12. Julie March 4, 2025 at 8:52 pm

    I hear ya, I have done the FB break thing. Lately I’ve seen posts from my liberal friends and relatives that just makes my heart ache. I have snoozed many of them for 30 days. Gotta do what’s necessary for our own sanity. I can’t help but see it all in black and white, good and evil.

    Alphonso Johnson on Jeffrey Osborne’s Stay With Me Tonight…. killer bass. 🙂

  13. jschipper1901 March 4, 2025 at 8:32 pm

    I concur. Well said Jude. Keep the posts coming!🤘🏻

  14. lonnielove72 March 4, 2025 at 8:31 pm

    Some times it’s just simply “Time For Letting Go”
    Sorry, couldn’t resist 😅 😜
    I completely understand!…… the days of arguing over politics is over for this kid..still have strong conservative beliefs myself, just don’t have the energy to fight about it. More people need to put their adult big people pants on, and realize that it’s OK to disagree..

  15. buzzworth March 4, 2025 at 8:19 pm

    I”d like to see RFK take steps to remove commercials for drugs. Put more responsibility on doctors to diagnose and prescribe rather than having patients asking for whatever is the “new thing”.

  16. Andrew_curtis March 4, 2025 at 8:01 pm

    You are taking a healthy step, good on you … but now I have dreams of Billy Sheehan playing Addicted to that Rush in my head now. Damn you!

  17. Angelo Valenti March 3, 2025 at 11:46 pm

    Well I’m right there with you , went to deactivate my FB page as I was alerted to be hacked, and I accidentally removed my page entirely and can’t get it back, now. Lost all the decades of pics, videos , of the boys and family , that’s what is most dis hearting , BUT in the end a good thing , need a break from it , started a new page but staying off for mow , its become a place of such negativity , time for a break, when I get back on whenever that is Jude , I’ll send you a friend request again .
    Enjoy the PEACE my friend

  18. WilliamFromFB March 3, 2025 at 10:39 pm

    Hope you come back when the dust settles Jude. I can’t imagine the venom coming and going among the music industry these days. RFK might well be the greatest cabinet pick of all time <3 Love what Elon is exposing as well. My all time greatest bassist is Chris Squire of YES. All the others jocky for position up and down the list occasionally. Lee Sklar, Louis Johnson, Chuck Rainey, McCartney, and Sting all make the list for me.. among others 🙂 <3

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