Waking up to how the world really works, which is impossible unless you’re ‘in the club’… but to the matrix in which we live anyway, is really a stepladder that starts way down in a deep hole.
The phenomenon in western culture is, when we’ve at some point worked our way up to the first rung of the ladder, we look around at others who don’t see what we see and shout ‘WAKE UP!’ at the top of our lungs… and it’s the first rung.
Similar to Hollywood b-listers who want to share their horror stories (in a new book of course) of addiction to help save us… while a year later they’re back in rehab. We’re monkeys. We need to show-and-tell everything.
After 17 years of searching for some semblance of truth to life on earth, the awakening process has left me humbled with almost no one to talk to about it. It’s not a democrat vs. republican thing. It may be a Luciferian vs. rest-of-world thing, but hard to know. One thing I can tell you is that they believe wholeheartedly in Lucifer and feel no shame in symbolizing it in nearly every photo, video or event possible.
This grid we’re on with it’s cities, financial structure and news narratives didn’t just happen through ingenuity and hard work. The news doesn’t uncover some truth or crime, then innocently rush to the studio and put it on air to inform us.
Laws of conspiracy or even responsibility don’t apply to behemoth companies like DuPont who’ve poisoned lakes, rivers, streams… killing and/or maiming hundreds of thousands. No, instead they’re out there preaching to us to throw away the straws and beware of white Christian nationalists.
I recall people comparing the film The Truman Show to real life, and thinking that was funny but preposterous. Now, I don’t think the film went far enough.
One clue I’ve learned is, those who are the loudest, angriest, most self-righteous about some news-of-the-day distraction are either in the club, paying homage to the club, or the farthest down in the hole. The awake process humbles, like trying to make it out of a pitch black, rat infested New York tunnel in the middle of an apocalypse.
I remember this joke in the pre-PC days of the ’70’s… one they called a ‘polack joke’. I didn’t invent this term, but it was widely used. My sincere apologies to any Polish people out there… it’s just the way it was 🙂
So a ‘man’ gets stopped by a police officer. The police officer, realizing the man’s a (of Polish descent) pulls him out of the car, takes a piece of chalk, draws a circle on the sidewalk and demands the man stand in the circle and not move. While the man is standing in the circle, the policeman takes a baseball bat and starts beating his car. He puts a huge dent in the front door and smashes the side-mirror. He looks over to the man and sees him giggling. “What a moron”, thinks the policeman. He then proceeds to put a giant dent in his hood, smash both headlights, then bends his antenna beyond repair. Again he looks over at the man, and this time he’s cracking up. Both puzzled and frustrated, the policeman commits to finishing the job. He smashes the windshield, beats every panel of the body and throws the bat to the ground. At this point the man is literally rolling on the ground in tears of laughter. The cop’s had enough. He walks up to the man and screams ‘what the hell is wrong with you, i’ve just ruined your car you idiot! What’s so funny!?’ The man manages to compose himself finally and responds, ‘I know, but I stepped out of the circle 3 times while you weren’t looking!’.
This is the new world order. They are rolling on the ground laughing at all the lies we buy. They never tire of it. You’d think by now with all the money, key resources, valuable land and property, war machine, agencies, freedoms… at this point you’d think they’d have gotten bored. But they’re not. They’re dying of laughter like the man in the circle. Good for you NWO, good for you!
Remember, one giveaway you haven’t reached the first rung is allowing a Morning Joe & Mika or a Sean Hannity to make you fighting mad with some cosmetic, superficial distraction. The other giveaway is laughing at half the country as though you’re smarter, because Jon Oliver or Jimmy Kimmel has worked the NWO agenda into a monologue or joke. I’d give you the same example of a conservative late-night host, but there aren’t any.
But if there were, it’d be the same … screams of laughter from deep in the hole. Do your research and don’t google it. And look to the stories beyond the first 50 to 100. Then use cross-referencing and your own logic, common sense and discernment to evaluate what’s actually going on.
Peace (which is probably a psyop itself)
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The closest to a late night conservative host is Greg Gutfeld on Fox News.
It sure feels though that the hole you refer to is getting deeper all the time. It’s a great analogy.
Exactly. It’s nice to know others are figuring it out with me.
Amen Jude