The War On Truth

Have you reached a place in life where literally nothing we were ever taught rings true anymore?  From what’s in our water to what they feel they must put in our blood seconds after birth.  Education they usurped then decimated.  The war on drugs?  Frequencies changed or eliminated.  World wars and ‘necessary’ invasions.  The stock market.  Medicine.   Moon landing.  Mars?  Mass shootings, 9/11, magic bullets, magic passports, farming and food in general… even baby food.  All consumer products.  CIA, DEA, FBI, NASA, NSA, DOJ, IMF, WEF, JDL, IRS, OPEC, DHS, CFR, Trilateral Commission, The Catholic Church and Vatican, Hollywood, The Music Business, Ivy Leagues and secret societies, Google, Facebook, X, Spotify, Amazon, … where does it stop?  Seemingly, it doesn’t.

Maybe Santa Claus and Disney movies were designed to get us used to fairy tales.  If you are NOT here, then I don’t blame you and even kind of envy you.  However, if you ARE here, we can be friends 🙂

By |July 9th, 2024|3 Comments

Outer. Space.

It’s fun to think outside the box we live in.

You can’t go throwing stones at Flat Earth believers just for thinking differently than you do.  For starters, what you think is ‘proof’ is NASA telling you what is fact.  Are they honest?  I don’t believe so.  To many, NASA is scientific fact, while to others now, a cult.  You can believe what you like.  I don’t find either worthy of shame for believing or not… but I would defend the point that almost all our beliefs have been taught to us, not something we eye-witnessed or experienced first hand.

Also, we’ve been lied to on such a massive scale and for so long that many like myself are re-evaluating all we’ve learned, from The Big Bang theory to Evolution … from gravity to how our bodies work, teachers, news, TV’s in general, priests, pastors, gurus, doctors & scientists…  everything!  It seems there’s agenda lurking behind every fact or opinion out there.  Nearly everyone’s on the take.  You simply have to do your own research and come to your own conclusions, and rely on instinct.

With religion, we have instincts and faith. To go preaching with authority is just so… snake oily?  You don’t know, and it would be better if you started your sermons with that disclaimer.  Faith could then be what it is,  a choice to believe. An opinion, not a fact..

Anyway, this map stirs my imagination.  As a dreamer/songwriter, I love it regardless of whether it’s fact or not.

Convinced there’s much more to Earth than we know… wondering what all these ‘They Live’ characters are doing constantly visiting Antarctica while we aren’t allowed to travel there, building bunkers, buying luxury yachts and even submarines, giant cave cities like the ones we’ve seen in Arkansas… it would make sense that there are secret society elites that know things they aren’t sharing.  Details of what’s coming and where to go to avoid the events.

Perhaps the world isn’t flat, but 100 times the size we’ve been told?

Beyond that, it would lend some logic to their willingness to destroy all that we have.  THEY have somewhere else to go.  WE have to stay here and deal.

Remember those dodge-balls back in the 70’s?  Some of them had a flat point at the top of the sphere, while it didn’t affect the shape or action of the ball.  What if Earth is like this, and the world as we know it is top center, with much land and water beyond the ice walls they call Antarctica, and multi-layered walls at that?

It’s not an original thought.  This has been a topic of discussion with antique maps, some self proclaimed eye-witness explorers, even times when men were tortured and killed for believing the Earth was round!

So maybe we are on a sphere, but the sphere has a flat point.  Maybe we’re not traveling through space at light speed spinning at 1000 mph but there are things spinning around us.  It’s a plausible argument.

And why would they lie?

When you understand the power and control they have over us at this point already, and look down the road a few decades, it becomes more of a real concept to digest.

By |July 3rd, 2024|0 Comments


Are we supposed to pretend last night’s debate wasn’t a pre-planned side-show to usher in a new nominee and VP?  My guess- Michelle Obama & Gavin Newsome.  Michelle for one term or less, then Gavin for the kill.

CNN is such a puppet show you could tell by the way Van Jones was talking they were preparing to say it was a disaster before it even started.  I watched on Peacock, the first time I’ve seen CNN in at least 5 years.  Fox same.  Literally the second it was over, they were all shockingly in lock-step to say ol’ crazy Joe needed to resign.

The first dead giveaway… no audience.  If Joe Biden is as popular as they say, winning the presidency with 81 million votes and conveniently needing to fence off the inauguration due to a Jan 6 event of ‘storming the capitol building’, then surely they’d want to capture that national enthusiasm on air for all to witness.  There’s nothing more contagious than success.  But no.  Because Joe Biden has no audience.  He’s the J Lo tour of presidential campaigns.  Always has been.

Secondly, they’ve gone from Trump = Hitler to a softer, gentler, ‘well I don’t like much of what he says, but…’

And while we’re all down here fixated on the jugglers and contortionists, the important stuff passes right through the walls like Vapo-Man, regardless of which party you favor.  The wars, 5g towers, Vax, HAARP or whatever they’re calling it these days, chemtrails or whatever they’re calling it these days… none of these life-altering things do we even get to vote for.  It’s just mandated in.

So enjoy the show.  Pick up some feces and throw.  iI’s time for a good ol’ civil war… Planet Of The Apes style!

By |June 28th, 2024|4 Comments
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