Evolving Talent
I’m acquiring a new skillset. I can often see in someone’s eyes that they are unable to compromise their belief system or indoctrination. The type who will not only get angry at you for disagreeing, but wish you cancer or death for it. This is a growing trend in America, and it’s coming more from the hard left than the hard right. Who, in the 70’s, 80’s & 90’s would have ever believed this possible?
I had people so angry at me for not getting tested or vaxed for Covid, that I lost relationships. More than one hand.
Now that the vax has been proven ineffective and worse, no one is stepping up or standing up admitting anything. They’ve simply moved on to another thing to hate 🙂
Know you’re in a cult when corporate America agrees with you. The conspiracy crowd has no such groupthink. The only thing we have in common is knowing we’re being lied to.
Back In The Day
Sometimes the hardest thing about getting older are the war stories. When I meet a young musician, they want to open things up, play with them, create something new, then get another toy that helps inspire them to do the same. When I meet up with friends my age or older, they often want to talk about things that happened 30+ years ago. It reminds me of guys I knew that would glorify how high they were in the 80’s, how much they drank, how many girls they slept with… they’d always end it with ‘i’m lucky to be alive’ but it was a way to glorify the rings around the tree. It’s not as boring as it is constant.
We’re also in the age of disclosure. If we were magicians instead of musicians, there’d be no more magic shows or magic wands. All the tricks are freely given away to anyone willing to subscribe.
This was unheard before the internet owned us all. You think I could find out Bob Clearmountain or Chris Lord-Alge’s process, entire list of boxes, chain etc.? Only if I were their 2nd engineer. That’s literally the only way you could find out someone’s secrets… if you had to set them up.
Now with YouTube everyone is showing everything. There’s a lot of fun in this of course. I love finding out the secrets I always wondered about. 9 times out of 10 the answer is much simpler than I thought… but the mystery is gone too. Not the worst thing. No need to have all this mystery… not in professionalism or in fame for that matter.
It was just different… back in the day. There see I just did it myself 🙂
Single Release
Releasing a song in the digital world is a new foreign experience… but the fact is i’ve spent enough time in the futile world of developing artists. Now i’ll invest in promoting my own music, whatever way it seems practical and appropriate.
Which brings me to promoting on YouTube. We’ll see if it means anything tangible or if it’s just a course in unfulfilled promises and ‘thank you sir here’s your invoice’
I’m hopeful it’s like Spotify in that you’re promoted, even added to playlists in countries you invest in, and those impressions over time result in growing an audience. I can’t honestly say that’s the case yet, but it’s certainly worth a few solid efforts.
Anyway the single is out, and the climb begins. For what you say? I have no idea… but I hope people like it.