Good Water
Experiencing enough turbulence in my personal life, I started a search for help. I’m an emotional songwriter what did you expect?
After years of loose monitoring, I became more aware and in touch with the emotional and physical standing of each passing day. To be human is to admit every day is different. And why is that?
As Nicola Tesla taught us, it’s frequency. We’re made up of frequencies that resonate with the frequencies around us, including the planet. What hippies used to call good vibes/bad vibes was just a street way of saying ‘frequency’. Harmony vs. dissonance. In music when you take a note and duplicate that note but detune it, or play the half step above or below at the same time it’s called a ‘rub’. Horror films use this often. Think Bernard Herrmann’s ‘Psycho’.
But there is help to tune ourselves, just like an instrument. I recently turned a friend on to this and wanted to share it here.
Take a guitar that’s perfectly in tune and detune the G string by 20 cents, and suddenly the inspiration is gone. The dissonance makes us either stick to the strings that resonate together, or put the guitar down and do something else. The same can be said for our own personal tuning in conjunction to our surroundings, and the ‘aura’ that emanates from our bodies.
If you’re not familiar, let me introduce you to the Solfeggio and Planetary Tuning Forks. These come in aluminum for aura, and steel for tactile resonance to each chakra.
We can have good days or bad based on the following: Illness or injury, emotional distress or stress of any kind, not enough sleep or even too much sleep, bad dreams, and finally conflicts in our personal relationships.
Any one of the above can affect our state of mind, thus our experiences for the coming day. It’s a closer look at ‘waking up on the wrong side of the bed’.
To wake and identify this can be a monumental change to what ordinarily feels like a fateful and helpless experience. Ever wake up in a bad state only to get on the freeway and find yourself in a minor road-rage scenario? Or you wake up feeling like your smaller self from a dream where betrayal was as real as real life… insecure, broken, whatever the case… then have an upsetting argument with the checkout person at the supermarket? Millions of possibilities, but negativity is always a bad time.
By using the forks in the morning, you can literally tune your body like a guitar. And while it may seem like new age bullshit to some, if you devote the time to focus and put the work in I think you’ll become a believer. Even to the point where you can feel people leaving your house saying ‘wow such a great vibe’.
I have both the aluminum and steel sets cuz i’m super f’d up. Jk, sorta. I enjoy learning about old world techniques for self healing, and this ancient practice from India goes back to 1500 BC.
Personally I use the steel set more because I prefer the vibration going directly in through the skin, resonating through the skeleton of bones and having a result in alignment to the earth’s frequencies. It feels like this automatically adjusts the aura frequencies as well, but I’m no guru and could learn more about both.
Below is an Amazon link to both sets of forks, and a list of chakras I put together to enable more focus on that part of the body. You can copy and paste this list while you do it should you ever choose to try. If anyone here DOES dare to try it, please share your experience once you’ve gotten the hang of it. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised!
The SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA, also known as the MANIPURA CHAKRA, is the third chakra in the body’s energy system. It is located in the upper abdomen, around the area of the diaphragm and just below the rib cage. This chakra is associated with the color yellow and is linked to personal power, self-esteem, confidence, and willpower. It governs our ability to assert ourselves, make decisions, and take control of our lives. Balancing the solar plexus chakra is believed to enhance self-confidence, inner strength, and the ability to take purposeful action.
Fear Of The Sneetches
Once we had a black kid named “Stoney” move to our street in the early 70’s. Sounds normal now, but at the time it wasn’t typical. I don’t recall a word ever being said about it… no whispers or racial undertones. Just frame of reference in small town midwest, probably 1971.
I remember him telling us he was from Joliet, and that he used to get in fights on a daily basis because he was light skinned… so Blacks would pick on him for being too white, and Whites would pick on him for being too black.
Recently, feeling exposed during the election, Stoney’s story came to mind. Since I have no real party affiliation in politics and this has become such a polarized world of left vs. right… my sights have been on the owners and their antics more than the turntable of politicians, who appear mostly clueless as to how the world really works. They may know who butters their bread, but are paid to ask no questions.
My soul is conservative, yet my analytical side can be very liberal. Maybe I feel too much. Leave Britney alone!! Sorry.
Fiscally very conservative and socially liberal. This makes sense. Born and raised in a small town of about 1200 at the time of my youth, then moving to Los Angeles where liberalism was shouted from every rooftop in the city.
I’ve been responsible for abortions, so it would be hypocritical for me to stand on a soapbox and preach. And still, common sense says there’s a pretty significant difference between 12 and 24 weeks. 24 and 32.
My instincts for people guided me on a journey over many years, and when I see someone that just rubs, let’s just say the hackles go up. They were up for the entire campaign, presidency, re-election and post presidency of Barack Obama. I never trusted this man. The Clintons either.
Bush had me with the whole terrorist thing, then I started looking into his family. The Bush family along with The Cheneys are probably the world’s biggest terrorists in centuries. Then there’s Fauci, Gates, Soros and the Covid Club. They should all hang publicly for their crimes against humanity, the whole lot. But then the real power is in the shadows. We never get to know them, yet they are worth trillions.
I realized this morning that because of my mistrust for Obama and the outward loathing his wife Michelle displayed to anyone they disagreed with, I bought a place out of town. A humble home on the outskirts of LA where I could flee at a moment’s notice. It was fear. The man caused fear in me because he was so divisive.
Remember, after the Rodney King riots and the jolt of the ’94 quake, this was no safe haven of a city to live in. I’d often look at maps for quick exits out of town for my family. 9/11 convinced me… Go rural!
SO when I found this place I bought it. Started stocking up on water, food, guns, ammo, fire, medicines, everything… what you’d call a doomsday prepper. Yep that’s me. It was fear. I still have it, though it’s more about pragmatics now than fear. Maybe 64 is just closer to the end… It’s a conservative instinct that exists since my DNA was created. My father had it, his father etc.
What I’m trying to say is, I understand the fear of people who’ve been told Trump is the end of the world. Maybe he is, maybe not. The owners have either decided to change course from the last four years… which isn’t likely, or they will throw a bomb into his plan and blame him for it. As for he himself being evil, I just don’t see it. We’ve known him too long. Certainly he has weak spots, but I believe, maybe naively… I guess time will tell… but I believe he wants better for the country. Joe and Mika not so much. And let’s not forget who Mika’s warmongering father was.
RFK is a real chance to get healthier food into our stores and stop the poison that causes the general public obesity, anxiety, diabetes and a hundred other illnesses that require lifetime medications. This has me pretty optimistic. I’ve been filtering water taking the fluoride and other ‘dissolved solids’ out for about 10 years now. We’ve given up almost all food that comes in a sealed bag. Eliminated fast and corporate food, processed food. Not a perfect diet, but a 180º from what it was years ago.
Anyway, I write this in the most human way I know how.
I don’t agree with a lot of liberals on a lot of things, but I feel the fear is real. Please don’t think you’re the only ones who’ve feared an administration. I bought an entire house and had a complete life change because of it, so I’m not one to laugh at those who have fear because the president. I think going online with a bunch of negativity is futile, but whatever…
It gets better. Or maybe you could say it doesn’t matter. The trajectory of this country is in the hands of the owners of our money, and sorry to say these are not good people! The goodness must come from us.
We need to lie less, cheat less, get away with less, have less nepotism and color/gender counters, more accountability and work ethic. We need to respect other people’s faiths and cast less judgment.
There’s a lot in life we can’t put back in the bag, but the above is a must if we ever hope to have a thriving civilization. Dang… I guess this was a bit of a soap box. Ah well, c’est la vie. Love to Americans on both sides of the Coke/Pepsi aisle, we’ve been through a lot.
Thank You Tascam 388
This is a real piece of history and am sad to let it go, but all things must pass. Nearly 40 years ago I bought this machine… 1988… while living off of 3rd St. Los Angeles, and proceeded to spend nearly every waking hour and every single day writing and learning how to record for myself.
It was my go-to first before any other demos or album tracking for records 2, 3, 4 & 5. My landlords were so cool I don’t recall a single complaint.
Now it’s time to get rid of some of the heavy gear and things I don’t use anymore… but thank you Tascam 388, it brings a smile to my face to think about those early days. Lots of things moving out this week. May you shine your light on the new owner’s career. 🥹