Going, Going, Gone
This season always finds me some mindless yet focused form of organization… and this year it’s moving almost everything physical to external drives, then tossing the physical. Consequently, I’m running across things I barely even remember recording. This one is a cover of Bob Dylan’s ‘Going, Going, Gone’ from his Planet Waves album. Always loved this song and don’t quite remember why it didn’t make the record. Maybe because so many artists were doing Dylan covers it just felt a little trite. Not the song of course, just the idea of doing it for an album :). Anyway it was nice to hear it again after all these years. This is about ’94 or ’95. Cheers-
Shakin’ The Cage
If you look at the election as the most important of our lifetime, then whichever side you’re on kind of requires you to detest the opposing side. This IS by design.
We don’t vote for the most important things in our lives, they just happen. Toxic chemicals in our food, chemtrails containing conductive materials on an almost daily basis… and by the way it was 2016 when I went to Paris, eager to see if they had them too… which they did. (i’ve been photographing them since 2012) So it’s not an American thing but a world thing. Who overrides the presidents, PM’s and rulers for this?
Then there’s vaccine mandates, 5G towers everywhere. If I thought longer and did some research I’d come up with a full page of life/death issues we never had a say in. Add to that the release of films like ‘Civil War’, ‘Leave The World Behind’, ‘Don’t Look Up’ and a hundred other dystopian predictive programs with Hollywood as the official propaganda arm of the world’s global rulers. If you know at least a smidgeon of how think tanks works, you understand why the shock and awe in film and news is important for us to digest before the actual event. They literally tell us what they’re planning, but we’re too busy with sporting events and pop concerts to notice.
After hearing both candidates speak, I certainly know who I could tolerate more at this point… but the main point may be that the real destruction of the US is people being divided by tribe, to which there are only 2, maybe a minority 3rd. Practical thought proves the president doesn’t make the larger decisions. Money, and the invisible oligarchy do.
So while you hate your opposers, you have to look at your own house of information and ask yourself: What do I know firsthand?
The honest answer to most of the questions are zero. Nothing. We are in a matrix feed. White rats, be kind to the gray rats when they shake the cage. It’s nobody’s fault here. We know not what we do.
In Real Time
In real time it’s hard to get people’s attention. Maybe it’s because most people need group validation that something happened or not. Or maybe it’s the fact that distance makes it ok to enter the scene of the crime. It’s hard to understand, but real time is when people don’t want to talk, won’t take action, won’t make a stand, won’t give an opinion… they want to get away from you and let it marinate while they take the temperature of the room.
We used to laugh at a shifty A&R guy who’d listen to your record and give you no read as to whether he liked it or not, because in truth he had no musical ears at all. He wanted to hear from his staff. The joke between us became “Ok, thanks let me play it for my staff and i’ll let you know what i think”.
Someone who can take action in an emergency, whether it’s getting in the car and driving there to literally drain people’s homes or help them get through a life threatening spot, donating money, clothing, food, whatever one can. These are rare people but we need everyone.
North Carolina is in real time right now. None of it makes any sense. Pull out a map of the US and look at the geography, let alone the topography of how inland and mountainous these parts are, then imagine that Helene decided to pick on this one mountain spot. From the sea.
It reminds me of the cars burning into liquid metal on the highways of Lahaina, or the trees burning from the inside out in Paradise, CA. It’s a hard discussion to have because we don’t know the truth. Only some of us are willing to admit we’re being lied to on a grand scale. Others will admit it years from now, but at that point it’s far too late.
“Is your wife cheating on you?” ‘Yes.’ “Ok conspiracy theorist, how?” ‘Well, I don’t know but….’ “See, you know nothing and are just full of crazy notions! Maybe you need medication.” ‘No, I know because she works late and doesn’t answer her phone when I call anymore’. “You mean she’s busy? Can’t a woman be busy?” ‘Yes that’s not what I’m saying but…’
You get the rest. To be lied to doesn’t mean you have all the answers, but it doesn’t mean you’re a theorist either. You just have no way of telepathically getting facts. The ones that ridicule you for this are seriously either the dumbest people on the planet or the most destructive. They either need to feel smart about knowing what their TV’s said, or they want the destruction of America. It’s one of the two.
Do you really think John Kerry is so smart he can predict climate change as our most existential threat? This guy is dumb as a rubber hammer. He’s never done a thing in his life to improve this planet for anyone but himself. He’s a skull & boner who knows what H.A.A.R.P. is called today, and what they’re capable of with frequency, laser and the magnification of each.
Do you really believe Bill Gates has some sort of qualification that possesses him to determine whether a vaccine is good for every man, woman and child to take? Especially when you learn that he owns the patent on the vaccine? Good God you can’t even get every man, woman and child to eat a peanut. Tens of thousands would die.
But for some reason we give Bill Gates a pass for having our best interests in mind. For some reason we still have to withstand the grinding nails on a chalkboard voice of these insidious creatures from the black lagoon like John Kerry, Kamala Harris, Lindsay Graham, Nancy Pelosi, Alexandria oh forget it the list is too long.
Real time is happening now. Do something, anything. Donate. Do your own research. Spread the word.
And if you prefer I’d play music and keep to myself about the state of the world, our time is running out. Music means to me what 750.00 means to a person standing waist deep in water in the living rooms of North Carolina right now. Squat.