And The Winner Is…

#24 Michael Barclay! – Michael if you’re a friend on FB please message me your address so we can mail out the poster and CD.  If not I’ll have someone reach out to you via your email.

To all, that was awesome!  It’s something you can’t really discuss on FB for obvious reasons.  Some love, some hate, and others ridicule and act like they know something you don’t when we’re all really just a bunch of monkeys.  I’m a curious person by nature, and that was a breath of fresh air.

Thanks to all who contributed.  Thanks to all for subscribing and checking in.  Congrats Michael!  Until next time-


By |October 31st, 2024|2 Comments

1992 Start The Car album poster & In Plain Sight EP, signed

Name your sources of world information, or if you’ve moved on from that, what actual video or article awakened you to a different view?  I can tell you mine was Aaron Russo, being interviewed by Alex Jones, whom I had never heard of in 2008.  Aaron was Bette Midler’s manager and a brilliant and honest guy who wanted the best for our country.  He died of cancer, but left us some eye-opening information that literally changed my perception of life in America and even planet earth.  The full interview is on YouTube still, if you’re interested.


Anyway, it doesn’t matter whether you’re a crazy like me, or get your news from cable or mainstream.  Answer here and you’ll qualify for a spin to win this generically signed 36X24 poster from 1992 and an autographed EP of “In Plain Sight”, which ultimately led to the album Coup De Main. (coming in vinyl this year)

In the coming weeks I’ll describe what some of those songs are about, which is on topic with this thread.

Lastly, no judgment on anything you say, no rights or wrongs… just interested to hear how and where people are.

Cheers, Jude

By |October 30th, 2024|88 Comments

Going, Going, Gone

This season always finds me some mindless yet focused form of organization… and this year it’s moving almost everything physical to external drives, then tossing the physical. Consequently, I’m running across things I barely even remember recording. This one is a cover of Bob Dylan’s ‘Going, Going, Gone’ from his Planet Waves album. Always loved this song and don’t quite remember why it didn’t make the record. Maybe because so many artists were doing Dylan covers it just felt a little trite.  Not the song of course, just the idea of doing it for an album :). Anyway it was nice to hear it again after all these years. This is about ’94 or ’95.  Cheers-

By |October 28th, 2024|9 Comments
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