Crossroads 2024
My father was pretty religious. A Catholic. I was raised that way and give a lot of credit to Catholic teachings for a lot of reasons. Yet honestly if there were a saint with a scroll at the end of my life, judging if I were a good Catholic or a bad one, uh…
In the early 80’s, my girlfriend introduced me to Scientology, and so I went with that for a few years. Turns out they wanted me to hit up my parents to mortgage their home to pay them for auditing. That was the end of Scientology. But what I did glean out of the many books and courses in 3 years proved to shape my stronger side today.
Buddhism is not something I’ve ever really practiced, but have flirted with reading about. Learning some of it’s teachings as well as the Tao. So much wisdom and things to use in daily life here.
Hinduism same. I love what they teach about Reincarnation, Karma, Sanskars. It’s helped me heal from betrayal and so many other negative acts, where honestly other faiths failed.
Eckhart Tolle and practicing the Power Of Now has been invaluable for 18 years now. Learning how to be present is finding joy. You can honestly be happier in silence, sitting among trees and wildlife than any fancy car or home in the world. Not easy, but with practice it comes into view, much like an autostereogram, if you remember those.
Anyway, my dad had a saying. When things weren’t going my way he’d often say ‘well Jude, sometimes God says no’. And that always stuck with me. Sometimes God says no, or he’s like an usher that holds you back from entering a club about to go up in flames. In my older age it’s been key to listen to that subtle voice. Some call it God, some the universe, premonition, instinct, gut feeling, whatever. We all have it, but the lower the vibration we are, the farther from it we become, thus hardest to act on.
So in the past there’ve been many things said about my music career like ‘the man was cheated’. ‘most underrated and under appreciated’… things like that. And while I honestly do appreciate the sentiments and know they come from the best place, the truth is that my life couldn’t have worked out better on the professional front. I feel like the hand of God, universe, all the above put an arm out and prevented me from entering that rock star velvet rope club that today is literally up in flames. It’s never really been attractive to me, but now less than ever. The things one has to do, especially as a female to ‘make it’ are appalling. Katy Perry’s latest VMA performance is a perfect example. She’s not coming up with these concepts on her own. She’s answering to someone. She’s being handled. Like many before her have said, the top stars have handlers. MK Ultra is all about this. No thank you.
If you watch the lyric video for ‘New Universe’ you’ll notice there’s an extra eye at the bottom of the screen every time there’s a single eye in the center. That’s because the ‘one eye’ sign is a huge symbolic devotion to the cult. You can look these things up for yourself. This is not me spitballing. There’s a cool site called where music and entertainment are the main focus, and how indoctrinated into satanic and illuminati symbolism the creators, artists and video directors are to this cult, and how the line forms around the block… meaning millions want in, but only a handful are chosen. It’s a Studio 54 in it’s heyday, where the bouncer cherry picks the look that fits the agenda of the club.
In most cases, you show early signs of success with your art, then the club comes knocking, almost never the other way around. And I know this sounds crazy. I honestly don’t even want to believe it. But after many years of digging, research, and being enough involved to have a panoramic view, all roads lead to a spiritual crossroads. Robert Johnson pun intended.
Triggers and Trump
So this last week I had a kind of major computer problem and had to buy a new machine. A tech friend who helps me with these matters said it’s best not to do a migration as you may end up transferring the problem over to the new guy. Consequently I’ve spent each day trying to get every app, instrument and plugin installed from the distributor website to my new studio computer. !!!
I honestly wouldn’t wish this on anyone. For this A.D.D. brain i’m ready to punch the sky when I walk out of here each evening.
I hope to be back soon, and congrats to… drumroll… of all people Dr. Tom Ebalo for winning a signed “View” vinyl on YouTube!
Next contest will be a Start The Car poster, rolled and signed.
Best to all-
Much Love,