
If you want to kill someone quickly, you put a lethal amount of arsenic or rat poison in their food, watch as they get violently ill, then drop dead.

If you want to do it slow over time, you might use the same ingredients in trace amounts so it builds up, causes illness, creates a 3rd party disease and ultimately kills by another cause… i.e., heart failure, diabetes, kidney or liver failure etc.

This is the state of our food.  It’s almost entirely poison.  Not the kind that kills you same day, but the kind that happens over a number of years.  You grow an illness, go to the doctor, they put you on a drug, that drug begets another drug, and now you’re in the medical loop.  They got you.  Not only do you devote much of your life to doctors and hospitals, ultimately resulting in death, but they turn you upside down and shake the money from your pockets before you go..

Queen Elizabeth II ate the same meal every single day.  Don’t make me look it up, it was something boring like 2 eggs, a piece of toast and some tea.  The Royal Family has their own fruit and vegetable gardens.  Wanna bet they’re not Monsanto?

King Charles has cancer.  I’m skeptical.  Trust nothing this family says or does.  They don’t get cancer.

The point is, nearly every item in the aisles of a mainstream supermarket are laboratory processed and manufactured.  Almost nothing that comes in a bag or box is good for you.  It’s poison.  It’s designed to kill you.  Queen Liz II wouldn’t touch it.

Yesterday I wanted a hot dog.  After almost 5 years of passing by fast food joints, deciding otherwise, I finally broke and got a chili-cheese dog at Weinerschnitzel.  As I took 2 bites of the dog before sharing some of it with my real dog, then throwing the rest away, I wondered…Why can’t we just know our food is good for us?  It’s just meats (theoretically) wrapped in edible casing.  Why do we have to wonder what’s in it and how harmful it is?  Why would there even be a question about the ingredients of something we eat to stay alive?

Taco Bell 70’s & 80’s

Taco Bell today           

Is their one-eye sign a signal to keep them away from the poison they feed us?  Everything these folks do has symbolism,  so what’s it for?

And why do fast food and corporate food chains spend billions trying to find out what appeals to our taste buds vs. what’s healthy?

They showed us first with chewing gum and breakfast cereal.  Chewing gum was made from real sugar cane.  When a ‘scientist’ developed the chemical equivalent to a sweet taste in our mouth, though it killed rats, they sold it to us with a healthy slogan…  “Sugar Free” is almost all you can buy now.  Because they care?  Fuck no it’s cheap!

Same with breakfast cereal.  It’s processed wheat, artificial sweeteners, food coloring and some handsome packaging.  It’s all chemicals, but “fortified with Iron!”

I’ve compared GMO foods to taking a Beatle record into the studio, re-timing it perfect so that it lines up to a metronomic grid, then repackaging it as my own record.  On top of that, I make the original Beatle record illegal to buy or sell.

This is what they do.  They modify the earth’s fruits, vegetables, meats and everything in between, and call it their own.  It’s the original AI!  They invented nothing.  They tamper.  They’re like Sid in Toy Story… pulling the wings off a fly to call it a new bug.  These people have no talent except for lying, cheating and counting money.  They also have no shame.

Please, think about what you’re sticking down your pie-hole.  We’re all going to die, yes… but we shouldn’t let it be so easy for them.  And think about how high up you hold these billionaires.  They love nothing but money.  It’s not a coincidence they have more than they could ever spend.



  1. matt@fusionmarketing.com June 23, 2024 at 5:24 pm

    Jude, love your blog here. great thoughts and subject choices. Yes, all this “food” presented to us is poison to the physical body, but there is a key component of the food supply that is poison to the spirit and soul which is being consumed by nearly everyone on earth. On that note, this book by Dr. Smhuel Asher offers essential insight and perspective as to why this world is so filled with death and disease, and that the only way our True Self gets out of this physical soul trap is to opt out of causing harm in all manner possible, making us incompatible with this realm.

  2. lynnellison864 June 4, 2024 at 2:09 pm

    In case you haven’t seen this, Jude, I thought I would share . . .

    I just opened my Facebook feed this morning, and this is post was near the top of the list: https://fitfoundme.com/synthetic-gmo-milk-is-hitting…/

    The fact that these synthetic dairy companies aren’t transparent with the ways in which their (untested) products have actually been manipulated is bad (and dangerous) enough; but to then to turn around and make their GMO products available other food manufacturers to use in THEIR products (who, again, add them to their own products without a word of warning to the consumer) seems criminal, to my way of thinking.

    On a more positive note–Congratulations on the timeliness and the relevance (in addition to the content) of your post! (I might add that I had to laugh when I saw the picture at the top, which looks like the inside of a DOLLAR TREE store, where NOTHING’S A DOLLAR anymore–not even the poison that is pictured in the candy aisle. LOL!!!) Take care! 🙂

  3. Jay Goebel June 4, 2024 at 4:32 am

    Jude, I made an account just to comment on this. Don’t ever throw out a Weinerschnitzel chili cheese dog. I miss those things. True, they’re not good for you, but served me well on those nights I had a few too many cold ones, many years ago. Take care. If you’re ever in the QC again, look me up, we’ll go have a beer.

  4. lynnellison864 May 31, 2024 at 3:15 am

    . . . all in the name of progress.

  5. rkpignan1 May 28, 2024 at 12:24 am

    No doubt!

  6. Muser10863 May 27, 2024 at 5:43 pm


  7. TimCochrane May 26, 2024 at 9:06 pm

    “Men dig their graves with their own teeth and die more by those fatal instruments than the weapons of their enemies.”
    Thomas Moffat 1600

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