
Are we supposed to pretend last night’s debate wasn’t a pre-planned side-show to usher in a new nominee and VP?  My guess- Michelle Obama & Gavin Newsome.  Michelle for one term or less, then Gavin for the kill.

CNN is such a puppet show you could tell by the way Van Jones was talking they were preparing to say it was a disaster before it even started.  I watched on Peacock, the first time I’ve seen CNN in at least 5 years.  Fox same.  Literally the second it was over, they were all shockingly in lock-step to say ol’ crazy Joe needed to resign.

The first dead giveaway… no audience.  If Joe Biden is as popular as they say, winning the presidency with 81 million votes and conveniently needing to fence off the inauguration due to a Jan 6 event of ‘storming the capitol building’, then surely they’d want to capture that national enthusiasm on air for all to witness.  There’s nothing more contagious than success.  But no.  Because Joe Biden has no audience.  He’s the J Lo tour of presidential campaigns.  Always has been.

Secondly, they’ve gone from Trump = Hitler to a softer, gentler, ‘well I don’t like much of what he says, but…’

And while we’re all down here fixated on the jugglers and contortionists, the important stuff passes right through the walls like Vapo-Man, regardless of which party you favor.  The wars, 5g towers, Vax, HAARP or whatever they’re calling it these days, chemtrails or whatever they’re calling it these days… none of these life-altering things do we even get to vote for.  It’s just mandated in.

So enjoy the show.  Pick up some feces and throw.  iI’s time for a good ol’ civil war… Planet Of The Apes style!


  1. Ricochet5167 June 29, 2024 at 11:17 pm

    I thought Michelle was going to run last time. She goes on world tours promoting her book and making America hate speeches. The DNC will remove a defiant Joe..and Kamala, as they know shes just as incompetentas Joe, and has no chance vs Trump. . there will be Daly era riots blamed on Trump. Michelle has always been a landslide waiting to happen that would be hard to stop. The press/media will instantly be in the bag, in love with her and delight in how historic it will be. First woman, black president. I’ve been telling co-workers and friends exactly that for years. Why not move her into power and make it obvious instead of pulling puppet strings behind the scenes. What better place to pick Michelle than in their hometown of Chicago. How I wish we could get a Republican candidate that was up to the task and not be as decisive as Trump. The media war, if he wins will be a furious storm for the next 4 years and beyond. I contend that black conservative are the future of America… they’re figuring out the failures of the Democrat party and the results they’ve received under that representation, and beginning to turn to a conservative and God filled philosophy. Maybe a Republican ticket of Comdi Rice and Candace Ownes could fight the good fight. I pray that Americans can get their Republic back.. Our civil liberties are sliding away… and socialism has always led to poverty for the people.. Russia, Cuba Venezuela.. I fear you’re right. Or, instead of an election.. a round of golf,for the Presidency, at Augusta.. Joe Vs Donald…no carts, no caddies.. winner would be the first one that doesn’t drop dead. 😜 Now, back to the Acrobats and Jugglers..

  2. Ljmaxx June 29, 2024 at 9:23 am

    Did anyone expect a different outcome from the debate? Biden has been increasingly showing signs of dementia and the debate clearly shows he not only is not fit for another four years but unfit for president. He should resign and enjoy the rest of his life. You have to wonder who is really running this country and calling the shots?

  3. Lex A June 29, 2024 at 3:51 am

    We constitutional, believing in freedom people knew in 2020 that the NWO shit show was about to takeover our lives, God bless us all.

  4. WilliamFromFB June 28, 2024 at 11:10 pm

    Oh man Jude, absolutely correct. Gavin would be the kill shot. Stick a fork in us ..

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