The church of “I Don’t Know”

It’s God’s planet, but the devil’s matrix.

I believe making it through the matrix requires a respect and understanding of both. To just classify one as good and the other evil is simplifying things to a level of hypocrisy. This might offend the most religious, but it’s not intended that way.  If it does it kind of proves you’ve been brainwashed into thinking questions are sins.  I’m not saying to worship, but to respect a formidable force.

On one hand, God, creator of heaven and earth, also created a place where it’s kill or be killed. Survival of the fittest. Circle of life. We love the rabbit and torture the mouse. We detest those that would use horse meat in their meal, but kill cows by the millions and suck them down with ne’er a thought about the animal’s sacrifice.  Which one displays our love of God?  Which makes us evil?

Satanists, Freemasons, Jesuits (yes I would argue the Catholic Church has been overtaken by Satanists)… long list here.  The light bearer… many scientists, physicists, mathematicians, doctors etc. … they have an incredible work ethic, help many people with aches and pains, even bring some back to life, and also do not believe in God… or should I say their higher power is Lucifer. Some aren’t aware the groups they belong to have a hierarchy that do worship him, i.e. Freemasons (low level), Shriners Club etc.  Look at the emblems.  Satanic symbolism is everywhere.  Even your favorite pop star Taylor Swift pays homage to the serpent in some part of her uniform at most concerts.

Who devised the world and grid we live in? Was it Khazars? Mayans? Inca Empire?  Maybe it was The Nephilim or Anunnaki.  Should we thank them or despise them? Can you even imagine a different life on the planet? We have nothing to compare it to. We’ve been indoctrinated into this living. Life might be wonderful without cities, governments, taxes, regulations, pop songs, movies, sports… the ‘System’. Who really knows?
Is the earth a perfectly round sphere traveling at light speed or a somewhat flatter, still planet? It’s an argument that’s gone on for centuries, yet the argument according to NASA is now closed.  You think there’s proof, but you really only know what NASA tells you.  Are they even to be trusted anymore?  I don’t know.

You’ve never been in space to witness it for yourself. I’m not saying this to instigate an argument, but to open the thought process about what we truly know first-hand, and what’s taught to us since childhood. What’s a real photograph and what’s a painting?  Why would our own significance matter to people who want to see us disappear, eat bugs and stop wasting ’their’ resources.  Are we less than a grain of sand, or is God giving us a chance at eternal life in a one-of-a-kind heaven called Earth?  Once you realize how much we’ve been lied to, you begin to question everything.
So without a real way to find absolutes, we just do the best we can. We need to stop pointing the finger at other citizens who are making decisions and developing beliefs based on shitty multiple choice questions designed to keep the winners winning and losers begging.

I choose God. It’s not a knowing, it’s a faith. This is why I don’t preach. I honestly don’t know what’s on the other side of life, or for that matter what’s literal and what’s parable in the Bible, but I choose the path that led to the magic of classical music, giant beautiful and inexplicable structures called cathedrals crafted in God’s name, and so much more.  We walk amongst these creations and think we’re more enlightened than those who built it all.  We suffer from a toxic level of ignorance and arrogance.  This, too is by design.

Also, in my opinion, those who’ve openly sworn to Satan and have hundreds of millions or billions of dollars to show for it… they just never look happy.  There’s almost never that true life light in their eyes.  They worship the dollar, and the dollar has no spirit at all.  Nothing to give them back but more ‘stuff.

All we think we know our TV’s and internet taught us.  Some school books that were taken over by The Rockefeller’s long ago.  Same with the AMA, big Pharma and a hundred other institutions.  We know what they want us to know.  We believe what they want us to believe.  I hope we can find some humility and begin to ask questions of everyone and everything. Without a willingness to admit we could be wrong, we’re doomed.[/fusion_text][/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]


  1. Mindee May 7, 2024 at 3:00 am

    Thank you Jude. Trust in God !

  2. Dena Freeman May 7, 2024 at 1:27 am

    All we can do is keep the faith, thank you for saying what a lot of us think..❤️

  3. Angeladawson May 6, 2024 at 4:44 pm

    I agree. I am a Christian and believe in Jesus. The devil believes in God and trembles so be careful you don’t just believe in “God”. That is hard for me bc I don’t want to come off like a “know it all” but just stating biblical truth. I agree with the vax. Its killing alot of people. I watched several friends just drop dead watching TV. Its horrible. Its not conspiracy if its true. I watched the doumentary called..”Died Suddenly”..and the blood clots are out of control. Cancer has risen to all time high. Mt thoughts. I have had friemds whose cancer was in remission for years and the vax brought it outand killed them. They know it. It should be crimes against humanity. Not to speak of Gates and all his farmland he purchased everywhere. What about Maui? You cant tell me they did not do that on purpose. We live around forces that are not of this world. Fyi..I had to rewrite my comment bc it would not let me post it the way I wrote it. Hmm.🙄

  4. Angeladawson May 6, 2024 at 4:42 pm

    I agree. I am a Christian and believe in Jesus. The devil believes in God and trembles so be careful you don’t just believe in “God”. That is hard for me bc I don’t want to come off like a “know it all” but just stating biblical truth. I agree with the vax. Its killing alot of people. I watched several friends just drop dead watching TV. Its horrible. Its not conspiracy if its true. I watched the doumentary called..”Died Suddenly”..and the blood clots are out of control. Cancer has risen to all time high. Mt thoughts. I have had friemds whose cancer was in remission for years and the vax brought it outand killed them. They know it. It should be crimes against humanity. Not to speak of Gates and all his farmland he purchased everywhere. What about Maui? You cant tell me they did not do that on purpose. We live around forces that are not from this world we know. And that is biblical. Make sure you know The Lord please Jude. Time is getting closer and I dont want to see anyone left in this evil world to have to deal with The Antichrist. Have a great day and I still play your cd in my car. You are the bomb. ❤️

    • Bandini55 May 6, 2024 at 8:06 pm

      While I have my faith, i also acknowledge there are billions of people on the planet with a handful of different faiths as well. I think God sums it all up pretty nicely. Universe if you will. It’s really semantics. If one person sees a blob of intelligence, and other sees an old man with a beard, robe and staff… who’s right? This is why I belong to the church of I Don’t Know. Nor do I need to.

  5. Art_Newkirk May 6, 2024 at 12:50 pm

    100% agree. Slow hand clap……..

  6. WilliamFromFB May 6, 2024 at 6:04 am

    Love you Jude 😎❤️

  7. Ricochet5167 May 6, 2024 at 3:31 am

    I’m glad you choose God. Knowing Him is the beginning of all wisdom. There is a deep thread of Him that saturates your music. Just one of the many drawing card that pulled me in. An A&R man once suggested I cover your “Get me through the night” on my first CCM CD. I too Choose God because He reached into my life and changed me… I love writing songs with deep meaning student of human experience and sharing our commonality of pain but also providing the answer to every question.. which is, of course Him. I believe that’s the responsibility of a CCM artist, and is THE difference between the sacred and secular music words. As for our world and country, it’s near impossible to reason, cajole or cconvince anyone towards a conservative loving viewpoint. They have to have a life changing epiphany. Divorce themselves from the indoctrination engines that have filled the to capacity that everything must be torn down, blown up and replaced… but with what? There’s never an answer on better way, just revolution. It’s happening on every level.of culture across every country, not just America. Gone is the idea of Freedom,… just what Freedom is and how it’s achieved… what sovereign rights are, and where they come from, and how to guarantee them. Sine the dawn of man, peo0le have grown in population, and organized into societies… and to date, this American experiment and its founding documents/principles are without a doubt the greatest governmental design to achieve personal individual freedom. How we reach that freedom is the great debate and tipping point and is the crux that must lean in one direction, or the country and the world are in dire straights. Can you achieve Freedom through unity in Christ, the ten commandments, the U.S. Constitution and bill.of Rights… or as some believe, that only the Government can think for us, decide our fates.. apportion our monies and belongings in a way that achieves equality of outcome evenly for every person… only the Government can create an environment of fairness. Well.. unfortunately, the utopian ideal of complete socialism has never worked ever in the history of mankind. In fact it only creates a deeper wider divide of power, and wealth between the haves and have nots. Worse yet.. this descent leads to not socialism, but chaos… and guess what happens after chaos? Pure dictatorships.. deep communism. We all have to remember just why WWll was fought.. and this world War is to stop true facism, Marxism, racism.. and all the coming chaos… wars and genocide. As it always has been, the answer is Love, the Love of God and the Freedom found in Christ. Benjamin Franklin said he’d given us a REPULIC…but only if WE are strong enough to keep it. LOVE.. ITS THE ONLY THING YOU CAN MAKE MORE OF!! Love is all you need… John Lennon. Smart boy.

    • Bandini55 May 6, 2024 at 8:04 pm

      My own sister read your comment last night and said she felt that way too. That’s a very nice thing to say and will take that as a high compliment 🙂

  8. lynnellison864 May 6, 2024 at 3:21 am

    Thank you, Jude, for sharing this post today. I know that you said, “This is why I don’t preach”; but I believe that yours is, hands down, the best message that I’ve heard or read in a LONG time. So, AMEN, Jude!

  9. May 5, 2024 at 11:59 pm

    Thank you for sharing your deeply thoughtful comments and insights. Clearly our ability to listen and read information – and the context in which it is originally provided – is now more important than ever – as is taking action for positive change and impact. I sense and read in your comments much disdain and hopelessness sliding to Satan – and for all those focused on the almighty $. Do not lose but rather gain more faith. There are many who choose to spend their riches in philanthropic causes to possibly provide some satisfaction and happiness – and set examples for those with so many riches. Yet we all have and can have more riches in growing our faith – and taking action with positive focus and communication.

  10. KathrynB May 5, 2024 at 11:25 pm

    I was going to say it’s odd, I don’t usually get emails to alert me to your posts and was unaware of the last two or three but today I did.
    I read, empathise, agree with all you have written and honestly don’t know what, if anything, I can add except for…..” thankyou for publishing this. It makes it easier for me personally and I pray to my God others, to navigate each day when you know that at least one person in your world ( which has shrunk immeasurably since 2020) is in tune ? harmony ? belief ? I don’t know the right words to end this but I am grateful to have read it.

  11. StinkyMolly May 5, 2024 at 9:18 pm

    Sometimes I find it reassuring that the things that I think are true and right are the same things that are mocked and banned by the elites. I agree that we live in an evil world, controlled by satanists, and we are just trying to figure everything out.

    • Bandini55 May 6, 2024 at 8:02 pm

      I’m reluctant to use the word ‘evil’ anymore since, like i said above, WE could be considered evil by every cow, chicken and pig ever slaughtered. Every country’s genocide we’ve turned a blind eye on, went to war with etc etc. We are in fact the benefactors of many unnecessary wars. Blood money. But I do think the devil’s in the details.

  12. Paul Mann May 5, 2024 at 7:10 pm

    As I read this, my current denomination is being ripped apart by opposing viewpoints. I think I know the truth. But sometimes, I’m also not sure if it’s “literal or a parable.” I’m just going to trust God, acknowledge he’s in charge and try to honor him as best I can. I guess that’s what faith is. Hopping on the jet and trusting the pilot.

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