A poker tell, if you’re not familiar with the game, is when someone has a tick or habit they always do unconsciously with a good hand/bad hand. If you’re up against a player enough times, you begin to learn these signals. A lot of players wear dark sunglasses so you can’t see their eyes. I don’t think it should be allowed, but then again I don’t play poker so … I don’t care. The point is, the energy has to go somewhere.
These kinds of signals appear in life on every level. I study people so it’s interesting to me, the body language, choice of words, tone of voice, emotions, levels of anger, the anatomy in general…
For instance, when a politician gets into office, especially high office… one tell I’ve learned is that if they didn’t truly earn it? If they were somehow ushered in by some powerful money and flushed out the competition unethically or unlawfully, the tell is that they show no true emotions of victory. In fact there’s an arrogance to their words and their wins. They have something to teach us all now and have little shame in being preachy or indignant against any opposition.
A true showing of victory, like climbing Mt. Everest or winning an NBA championship would be falling to a knee or welling up with tears, a break in the voice, the face turns flush. It’s a hard thing to hold back. But it transfers to those witnessing because it’s real. Only you know how hard you fought, and how much strength, commitment and discipline it took. You want to drop to the floor and profess….’There is a God and he loves me!’ And the entire audience feels it, not just those who are on the team or benefit from the win.
Too often we’re faced with someone we fight for in the voting box, only for them to get elected, then stand up before the world and tell us what we’re about and what we’re not about. They show little emotion. Like aliens reading cue cards… ‘laugh here’. ‘smile big’. ‘act strong and sincere’. It’s pathetic.
There’s also a poker tell when you know you can’t lose. I learned this from the desk side of the music business. In my early days of making records I thought it was luck or un-luck. I’d get down on myself for not scoring big. Then I became a manager and learned, some are connected. To who? That’s for another time. But connected to real power.
They can be mean, vulgar, short, stout, homely, or downright disgusting in appearance… even half witted (though few of them are). Doesn’t matter. They know they’re ‘made’ men & women and cannot be fucked with. They don’t get shaken by threats, and they deal death blows where you don’t even really know who killed you. They exude nothing but confidence at all times. And why wouldn’t they? They know they can’t lose.
There are poker tells by those most under mind control. Whether it’s a cult like Scientology who’s members believe they’re saving the planet, or ones faithful to a news network, newspaper or website who’s feeding them agenda-driven information. They’re told what to think every day, every hour… who to love, who to hate. They get daily doses of soundbites with narrative. Video clips edited with voiceovers telling us what we’re seeing. Over time this indoctrination makes us angry to witness opposition. “Don’t you fucking get it you moron!” we think. We start to believe that if all these blind cult followers would just die, somehow the planet would be a better place. We don’t know we’re deep in a cult of our own.
This is a tell. If you had an open mind and original thought… if you saw people believing in a God you didn’t pray to, or loving a country they came from that were our sworn ‘enemy’… would this enrage you? If so, i’m sorry for you. It must be hell on earth to feel this way.
If you found a friend was voting for a candidate you didn’t believe was good for the country, would it make you hate your friend? That’s where we’re at now, and from my perspective, this is a poker tell. It means you’re deep, deep under mind control. You are fighting for your abuser.
Do with this information and perspective on human behavior what you will… or I will destroy you!
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A very apt analogy, Jude. Thank you for articulating what I think a lot of us have been feeling.
The reason you don’t know you’ve been lied to, conditioned and brained washed, Is because you’ve been lied to, conditioned and brain washed.
Jude really love your perspective , commentary , and thoughts on all these subjects . All these one day should just be compiled into.a coffee table book one day .
I have a strong faith and belief in God , and God goes by many names in many religions, but I’m of the opinion all of them are the same one ,we all for those who do pray are praying to the same one , Faith for the most part is a good thing , on the subject of politics , I have friends and family on both sides of the aisle, I’ve never been.a fan of politicians , feeling and I don’t want to paint with a broad brush , so most seem.self serving and care about nothing more than expanding and keeping power and lining their pockets on all the hard working Americans backs in this country .
I will discuss and listen , at at the end of the day whatever differences i will still respect you and value you as a friend , we live in terribulent times , people afaired to express views and opinions because of fear of what people will do .
Sure miss the good ole days , staying out all day coming home to eat then going out all night , and parents didn’t worry were we were, we all Lookout and took care for one another ,
Yes we are all under mind control , a county run by politicians who want all to be sheep following them blindly so they can tighten there control….wake America- now is the time
Trying to maintain any sense of positivity in regard to the future is becoming increasingly difficult. Like you said, it’s about trying to find your own little corner, and build your nest there.
It’s a shame people can’t be open minded anymore. Maybe when it comes to different countries or even religions many can be tolerant but when it comes to politics in this country most people fall in one of two camps these days. And the ideologies of these two camps are SO opposed that there is really no room for compromise. I don’t know what is going to come of us all.