The War On Truth

Have you reached a place in life where literally nothing we were ever taught rings true anymore?  From what’s in our water to what they feel they must put in our blood seconds after birth.  Education they usurped then decimated.  The war on drugs?  Frequencies changed or eliminated.  World wars and ‘necessary’ invasions.  The stock market.  Medicine.   Moon landing.  Mars?  Mass shootings, 9/11, magic bullets, magic passports, farming and food in general… even baby food.  All consumer products.  CIA, DEA, FBI, NASA, NSA, DOJ, IMF, WEF, JDL, IRS, OPEC, DHS, CFR, Trilateral Commission, The Catholic Church and Vatican, Hollywood, The Music Business, Ivy Leagues and secret societies, Google, Facebook, X, Spotify, Amazon, … where does it stop?  Seemingly, it doesn’t.

Maybe Santa Claus and Disney movies were designed to get us used to fairy tales.  If you are NOT here, then I don’t blame you and even kind of envy you.  However, if you ARE here, we can be friends 🙂


  1. Lex A July 10, 2024 at 4:08 pm

    Amen brother, if I am aloud to stress that. How bout’ the cdc, nato, NWO, and how can we forget the squad. I am disgusted with our situation. I am a constitution follower and a freedom fighter. May the Gods prepare us for the future, especially our children.

  2. buzzworth July 9, 2024 at 10:51 pm

    Silent Running.

  3. RichardA July 9, 2024 at 8:26 pm

    It’s all part of a designed plan. Ignorance is bliss they say, and they do their best to keep the masses ignorant to the facts, or “fat and happy” as they say. It gets progressively worse. I find myself not believing anything that comes out and hope to be proven wrong, and that almost never happens.

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