The World Can’t Work Like This

Remember the Al Pacino film and true story ‘Serpico’?  The entire NYPD precinct was on the take and took no prisoners.  They’d perform shakedowns, gun drops, whatever it took to frame and punish anyone not willing to go along, even another cop.  Frank Serpico, a rookie, joins the force as an undercover officer, learns of the corruption and has a moment of self debate.  His conclusion was to fight.  He took a bullet and almost lost his life, but he couldn’t live with himself to go along with the mob.

I think this is the moment we realize… The world can’t work like this.

I recently wrote something about P. Diddy on FB and took it down.  I understand that a certain percentage of people are living in the 2 dimensional world of cable and mainstream news.  Rachel, Sean, Joe & Mika, all the late night hosts.  There’s really no debating with it.  You either wake from it or you don’t.  It’s like having a choice of eating homemade pie and ice cream with organic and fresh ingredients, but seeing half the public choose Skittles, because the wrapper.  To some it means professional and not poison- when in truth it’s just the opposite.

Julian Assange recently spoke at the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe in Strasbourg, France.  In his speech, he reveals crimes, intimidations, political corruption and attempts on his life and family… and he names names.  After 10 years of imprisonment and torture, this is a kind of tenacious and mental ferocity most of us aren’t comfortable with.  It’s not Skittles.  He spoke about Mike Pompeo and the CIA.  I strongly suggest you listen to or read his speech.  He’s not only the bravest of the brave, but he’s an honest man.  He understands the world can’t work like this.  His life is but a mere blip compared to the billions who will follow him and what they may have to endure if life keeps on this way.

So when I hear about the latest findings in the house of P. Diddy, followed by things like ‘Hollywood is going down!’ or ‘This house of cards is going to fall’ … that’s not names.  It’s like saying ‘It’s the globalists!’.   Yes, it is… but who?  If you don’t know who, then you might as well say ‘It’s the boogeymen!’.  Assange tried to warn us of a code these creeps were using, but it included the beloved Barack Obama and the public just wouldn’t have it.

After decades of this Oz, I’ve grown literally nauseous of words like ‘investigation’, ‘special council’, ‘congressional hearing’ etc.  It’s a straight up dog & pony show.  We get to hear a duplicitous politician like Lindsay Graham go before TV cameras and sound off, like he’s really doing something about it.  Elliot Spitzer I think it was… he grilled the wireless network executives about 5G towers years ago, and had they done any research at all as to the harmful effects of these radioactive devices located now on every other city block.  The answer was no, and that was that.  Nothing. Poof. Over.

So excuse me if I’ve lost my patience for hearing about things like baby oil and dildos, J Lo and Ben etc.  I want criminals to pay for their crimes.  Hey let’s start with Mike Pompeo!


  1. Art_Newkirk October 5, 2024 at 9:04 pm

    I thought I was the only one who felt like this. It’s f’ing maddening.

  2. Working Progress October 5, 2024 at 9:08 pm

    I’m honestly the same. Too many times there’s been ‘big news’ followed by an anti climax, then a complete moving on from whatever it is, never to be mention ed again. My brain can’t cope with the constant lack of justice – but I begun to understand the dopamine spikes from ‘scandals with promised justice, followed by nothing- rinse and repeat being a literal mirror of a social media feed and how it works to addict you. Tiktok is the most concentrated version of it, which is why I’ve never even considered installing it.

  3. Angelo Valenti October 5, 2024 at 9:45 pm

    The world can’t work like this , but it can and it will , and it will continue to no end in the future sadly , the elite and powerful and any of their wrong doings will be swept under the rug without anyone having to pay or answer for any of their crimes , Epstien , Diddy , fuck the list is endless, and when powerful rich people in high places are involved or mentioned be assured no one will pay for their mis deeds , and if there is a chance they will silenced , just as Jeffery , I’d be careful if I was Diddy

    • Bandini55 October 6, 2024 at 4:50 am

      Yes I believe that. Diddy’s future is not looking good.

  4. jgr0914 October 6, 2024 at 5:38 am

    I looked up Julian’s statement and listened to it. I admire his courage. Thank you for bringing it to my attention. And thank you for your posts. Always insightful and thought provoking,

  5. bubba crunk October 6, 2024 at 6:20 am

    Oh, my dear Jude…I’ve been a fan of yours since hearing the “View from 3rd Street” album. Those songs felt and meant something. I cried, sighed, laughed and pondered just how it was you came up with such words and melodies. I was a musician from ’64 to ’74 and never learned the things you did to write songs – the “craft”. When I took a stab at writing, I penned a few, but all attempts came with verse after verse. I never learned the “craft” of songwriting. Only years ago did I hear a writer at the Blue Bird Cafe say, “In songwriting, there’s an old cliche’…Don’t bore us, Get to the chorus”.
    In 1974, gas prices went up, the speed limit dropped to 55mph AND Disco – killed us musicians who had cush club gigs (cush humph! Sets from 9:00pm ’til 2:00pm), rehearsals for 4 hours during the day, I was singing eight or more hours a day, 6 days a week!
    Being a drummer / singer for those 10+ years were loads of fun. Even the traveling on day’s off were OK…until I lost my voice in Memphis, Tenn. along with my musical enthusiasm. I had plenty of time on a 12-hour drive to Odessa, Texas to bolster my decision to quit music, the road and goodbye to the “fun”.
    That being said thank you, I can state I don’t revere musicians. I can rag them all I want having been one.
    The musicians I DO revere are the ones that sing, play their own instruments and write songs that pluck on my heartstrings, sound familiar and make me lament, “I could have said that”.
    Here’s a problem I see with your last post Mr Slowhand: The “world” IS “going to work like this”…until we fix folk’s ignorance. Now, ignorance isn’t a BAD thing, in fact by definition it means, “Lack of KNOWLEDGE or FACT”. You can fix that. Stupid, you can’t fix. Stupid goes plumb to da bone.
    I was 18 years old in 1968. On my birthday in May that year, I didn’t round up my buddies, score a half case of beer and head to the River to swim, tilt a few and cook wieners at dark. No Sir, I went to the courthouse in my hometown of 193 people…and registered for the draft. Yep. A sobering day for a young man turning 18 y.o. who couldn’t BUY beer or VOTE but could SERVE my country.
    It was that day I took a serious look at the local, regional, state and federal politicians that had no concern for my life and welfare, yet had no problem sending a youth that just turned 18 – overseas to Viet Nam to SERVE…MY…COUNTRY.
    Discerning politicians had not my best interest at heart, I declared then and there I couldn’t swear allegiance to either political party and would cast my vote on matters against or for – the right candidate.
    Ignorance and Stupidity? I’ve never been one to shy away of pointing the blame finger where blame is due.
    My generation…of dope smoking – “Give Peace a Chance”, “Make Love not War”, are pussy whipped without getting any pussy. Think not? Where are the MEN of my generation who should don a sweater with a big “E” for ENOUGH! Enough of 6th graders smoking dope. Enough of 16 y.o. girls have sex, getting pregnant. Enough of 18 y.o. boys in gangs carrying Uzi’s and killing one another. E-N-O-U-G-H !
    Men are commanded to be the spiritual leader of the family. We let our women become the breadwinners and heads of the household…”It’s OK you can’t find a job Hun, you stay here with the kids, be a Mr. Mom, and Mama will go get a job”…. “And By the way, Junior is NOT going to play footbal, hear me? Football is too rough! He can play soccor with his sister…And that’s how it is going to be…IF you want some pussy on Wednesday night…”
    Jude, I loveya man, but stick what you were destined to do: pluck on our heartstrings, make us laugh and cry with your wonderful guitar playing, harmonies and SONG!
    Wading in the political arena doesn’t become you, albeit you certainly are Right ON with your worldly insight.
    I L O V E what you are saying and doing musically! Be Blessed and Keep Rockin’!

  6. JimD October 6, 2024 at 11:24 am

    You won’t be found guilty until after your death is how the biggest criminals are protected by their fellow biggest criminals, insinuations and smears based on half truths and fabrications are there in the celebrity and political world to turn our heads away from the big boys, to kill time while they live their luxury lives. The little guys spend their years in prison but are just pawns waiting for the real culprits to finish living.

  7. WilliamFromFB October 7, 2024 at 7:00 pm

    Pretty much every politician from both sides need to be flushed and start clean with people who do the job for love on country and fellow man. Make it a part time job similar to a city alderman. No lifetime political power. No millions of dollars. If they all had to live like us they would be much more careful with our tax dollars and what they do to us (and themselves by extension). Speaking of millions of dollars… I’m for abolishing the IRS …zero income tax. Rather tax at consumption…a national sales tax would be better.

  8. October 8, 2024 at 3:15 pm

    I read that it was Pompeo who put the quietus on Trump declassifying the complete files on JFK’s assassination. Nail on the head JC.

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